Metaverse Biweekly Report (11.19–12.02)

Metaverse Foundation
Published in
6 min readDec 7, 2018

Hi Metaverse Community,

Thanks for following us!

For the second edition of our revamped bi-weekly report, we have some updates in store for you on both the technical and marketing fronts. A lot has happened since we last published our report, so scroll down and see what’s new!

Key Milestones

Metaverse attended the Japan Blockchain Tech Summit in Tokyo on November 29, and our CTO Chen Hao gave a 30 minute presentation regarding the state of Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) platforms and the link to Metaverse Digital Identity. Many technologists and enthusiasts listened raptly to his speech, and many came to our booth after to learn more about Metaverse and our BaaS services. We learned a tremendous amount about the Japanese market in our short stay and made some important connections with key players in the industry.

Speaker Hao Chen, Metaverse CTO

After the event, the team went to the dinner reception with the rest of the projects and VIP’s, and there was a good amount of networking with media, potential partners, and investors. Here we have to give a special shout out to the Coin Otaku (translated into “Coin Geek”) group, who performed admirably and sang crypto songs throughout the night! To see such a devoted crypto community in Tokyo was very inspiring, and we hope to take this passion into our everyday lives.

Metaverse Team (Social Media Manager: Trinity Wu, Global Marketing: William Jiang, Business Development Manager: Magnus Dettmar, Co-Founders: Michael Jiang & Hao Chen)

On Friday the day after, Metaverse met with influential media and potential partners. We give thanks to Ink Labs Foundation, Cointelegraph JP, and CoinPost for hosting us so graciously and providing insightful analysis into the Japanese market. What these key players do for the crypto industry in Japan is remarkable, and Metaverse definitely learned a lot from them.

To find out more about the Japan summit, please click here for the full recap.

The Metaverse team earlier also participated in “The Unveiling Ceremony of Yangtze River Delta & Shanghai Blockchain Applied Technology Association,” hosted by the National Eastern Tech-Transfer Center ( and Shanghai Blockchain Technology Association (SHBTA). The key takeaway is that the Chinese government is still very positive towards the infrastructure layer of blockchain technology and very interested in how this tech can enhance our everyday lives. Metaverse provides this infrastructure layer to enterprises, so we believe our long term goals are very much in congruence to what the Central Government is trying to accomplish. A full recap for this event can be found here.

Metaverse Article Spotlights:

Eric Gu, Metaverse Foundation CEO, partook in an interview that can be found in the link below:

Also, he wrote a post about the importance of digital identity sovereignty and KYC, which can be found under his Facebook. Give him a follow!

Technical Enhancements

Mainnet Status and Monitors:

Number of Avatar registered up-to-date: 592

Number of recorded MST: 257

Number of recorded MIT: 147

For more information, visit:

Metaverse Lightwallet:

Metaverse Full-Node Wallet:

Metaverse Explorer:

Team & Operations(Business Analytics):

Below are the latest research updates from Metaverse BA Team regarding the Metaverse Avatar Reputation System (MARS):

Reputation system in blockchain

Relating to the relationship between social roles, social status, prestige, and the use of blockchain, the reputation reflects the social status of the individual or group, and the level of social status affects the subject in the fields of occupation, education, economy, and power. The reputation system is a core value application that can be used as a digital identity based on the blockchain. The blockchain can promote the application scenarios and frequency of use on the blockchain through the digital identity and reputation system on the chain. Establish your own reputation with your own digital identity and behavioral history. The blockchain system will increase or decrease reputation of digital identities based on the behavior of

these digital identities on the blockchain, such as digital currency transfers, the establishment of digital identities, lending on blockchains, registration of academic credentials on digital identities, marriage certificates, etc. The reputation behind digital identity represents its social status and “credit score” in the blockchain, and the quantifiable reputation system is more or less directly interacting with other applications on the blockchain, thus allowing for interoperability within the Metaverse ecosystem.

Metaverse Avatar Reputation System MARS

With the arrival of the blockchain, the establishment of an identity, including trust, credit, and individual rights, can be realized for the first time. Proof of power is confirmed by digital signatures on the chain. When a person has signed private key, he can prove his or her identity at any time. After booking a hotel, a flight, a company interview, online lending, or taking an exam, the key gates that need verification can use data in a block. The chain ID card is fixed and cannot be faked. The Metaverse Avatar Reputation System (MARS) composes of reputation-based relationships based on the Metaverse blockchain and Avatars. MARS aims to increase the use of digital identity, not only for the transfer of MST and MIT, but also for the extension of digital identities to cryptocurrency lending.

Community Statistics

Telegram: 4,035

WeChat: 2,372

We thank you for your continued support!

Best regards,

The Metaverse Team

What is Metaverse

Metaverse is an open-source public blockchain that provides digital assets, digital identities, and Oracles as a foundational infrastructure for social and enterprise needs. Through Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS), we make convenient, secure digital financial services accessible to all applications at virtually no cost.

Founded in 2016, Metaverse went live in February of 2017. We strongly believe that blockchain technology is the catalyst for a better future — the New Reality.

MST + Avatar + Oracles + On-chain Exchange = The New Reality

Digital assets (Metaverse Smart Token aka. MST) on Metaverse blockchain are trust-free, traceable, and immutable decentralized smart properties that can be freely registered, transferred, issued, deposited, used as collateral, and burnt.

Digital identities (Avatar) are self-sovereign identity ledgers on the Metaverse blockchain. Digital credit is created through interactions with assets and other identities.

Oracles are service providers with digital identities. Rather than decentralization, Metaverse integrates intermediaries into the blockchain, providing rapid and transparent supervision.

Metaverse allows value to be exchanged freely and easily. Control of assets is returned to the user, preventing asset theft.

As a value investment, ETP is circulated across global leading exchanges, including RightBTC ( and Bitfinex (

We would like to hear your opinion about Metaverse.



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.