is IronRouter really dead?

For years, iron:router was one of the packages everybody used. It was no brainer; you created a new Meteor app and immediately installed IronRouter.

But it was before… before Arunoda decided that IronRouter wasn’t good enough (for good reasons). So he…

How to add oplog tailing to meteor up (mup) on Ubuntu

By default, the amazing Meteor Up tool (also called mup by lazy people like me) setup everything you need to deploy easily a Meteor app on your own server.

Filtering and ranking 1740 Meteor apps

In the previous article, I used all the 1740 URLs I’ve scraped to extract some statistics. But it’s so easy to deploy apps with Meteor that it’s obvious that lots of them are “hello world” apps. In the end, the stats doesn’t reflect what real app use.

What I've found after scraping 1740 Meteor apps

I've discovered Meteor 2 years ago and I completely fell in love. Ever since I did, I've used Meteor almost everyday. I've become the Paris/FR ambassador, created the biggest non-english speaking Meteor community (4th biggest one worldwide).

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