So close — yet so far

A sales contest has its price in time and money. But payoff can be huge — and its success usually depends on you.

Kent R Bråthen
4 min readFeb 25, 2019


Photo by Graeme Nicholl on Unsplash

In the hands of the right person the Mevo app offers you a direct line of communication to your frontline people, the ones who meet your end customer.

But how do you make sure the message gets there? The distance between your brand and the kid on the floor selling your products is often cluttered with many links of managers. So you need to break through all of that to reach the people you want to use your app.

Our tool is a great tool, but yet just a tool. Our job is to guide you to success, and we start by telling you how to successfully reach out. Timing is everything… as well as communication and preparations.

Photo by Cesar Carlevarino Aragon on Unsplash

Our research shows that the biggest obstacle in our line of work (like in so many others) is actually reaching out. Connecting to the people you want to reach.

It doesn’t matter how many awesome quizzes you have made or how fantastic the prizes are if no one knows about it.

Getting 200 or 400 people to join instead of 100 will give you 2x or 4x the ROI. It will cost you only a little more follow up and preparations.

So how do you reach out — and get the store staff excited and committed?

We recommend a simple strategy in two parts:

  1. Preparation, preparation, preparation.
  2. Follow up, follow up, follow up.

1. The most important work is done before the campaign kicks off.
Make sure you have identified the best channel to reach the store staff, and that the line of communication is open for your message. They need to know what’s coming.

If store staff can win prizes by doing the work they are already set to do, they will probably join, if they only know about it. They also want to be on board from the beginning, to make sure they are not lagging behind in the contest.

So make sure they know!

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Get to know how the stores communicate with their staff. Do they have a Facebook group, a newsletter or intranet? A list of emails or phone numbers? Do your research and find a way in that includes as many people as possible.

We also provide you with a poster to send to all stores, with info on the app and the campaign. Make sure they get it and hang it somewhere where the staff see it — before the contest starts.

If you can arrange your campaign and the sign up for the app to coincide with an event at the store — even better!

2. Stay close and make sure everyone is included.

Once your groundwork is done and the app is launched, our system will instantly tell you who’s on and who’s not. So you won’t have an excuse, only great info on how to effectively plan your follow up. Who do I need to call tomorrow? Where to go?

The first days of the competition are crucial. That’s why we always include a buildup period before the actual sales contest starts. This allows people some time to register, play around in the app and answer a few quizzes before it’s game time. That way they are pumped and ready when the app opens for registering sales.

Once the store staff are using the app, your line of communication is no longer cluttered with obstacles. On the contrary, it’s wide open! Make sure you appreciate this opportunity to reach your front line people — and use it wisely. Throughout the whole campaign, and beyond.

Read more tips on how to organize your perfect sales contest.
or head on over to to learn more.

Photo by Leon Contreras on Unsplash



Kent R Bråthen

Co-founder and CEO of We help brands educate and motivate store staff.