Writing this down because I keep on forgetting. Right now, there are two ways to right code in your medium blog.
If you ask most developers would they like to do documentation, they probably would say no. Documentation of work is such a boring task to do compared to programming. A task where…
Installing npm modules globally (-g) in your terminal using
USER$ npm install moduleName -g
is easy breezy. People instruct you to do this and that. But have you ever wondered where they’re really stored?
Before, all variables in Javascript use only one keyword to declare a variable and that is var. With the release of ES2015 (ES6), variables can be declared in two new ways, let and const. Now, it’s easier to distinguish the variable’s scope and…
Have you ever encountered this line of code in Javascript and wonder what this means?
! function () {
//Some code
You may have heard about Swift Playgrounds last September 2016 when Apple announced that anyone can download Swift Playgrounds on their iPads or during WWDC16 (if you are a developer or are school teacher that was present during WWDC).
Template literal is the new thing.
It is identified with ` `.
let notes = `I am a template literal`;
Now, you can easily do a string concatenation in Javascript with the use of template…
It’s been more than a week now that I haven’t coded anything nor written anything new in my blog.
For some uncanny reason, this past 1 1/2 week was focused more on talking to people, attending meetings and more. I have learned a lot…