Go to Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Any language. Any platform. Our team is focused on making the world more amazing for developers and IT operations communities with the best that Microsoft Azure can provide. If you want to contribute in this journey with us, contact us at medium@microsoft.com
Note from the editor

Our team is focused on making the world more amazing for developers and IT operations communities with the best that Microsoft Azure can provide. If you have a great story to contribute to this journey, contact us at medium@microsoft.com or at @azureadvocates on Twitter.

Go to the profile of David Smith
David Smith
Developer Advocate at Microsoft focused on AI, Data Science, and the R language.
Go to the profile of Francesca Lazzeri
Francesca Lazzeri
Principal Data Scientist Director @Microsoft ~ Adjunct Professor @Columbia University ~ PhD
Go to the profile of Anthony Chu
Go to the profile of Alessandro Segala
Alessandro Segala
Cooker of great risotto. Sometimes tech nerd. Driving dev tools, @code & open source @Microsoft @Azure ☁️ Opinions are mine 🇮🇹🇨🇦🇺🇸
Go to the profile of Alexandr Belotserkovskiy
Alexandr Belotserkovskiy
Microsoft Architect. Tech Lead — Strategic Partners & Startups in Russia. Microsoft Global Open Source Community Lead.
Go to the profile of Shayne Boyer
Shayne Boyer
Hi, I’m Shayne Boyer, work as a developer advocate for Azure, .NET Core and Open Source, speak at national & community events and help everyone build the web.
Go to the profile of Jeff Hollan
Jeff Hollan
Director @ Snowflake. Developer platform, Snowpark, Ecosystem. I love serverless and making it easier than ever to build in the cloud. Thoughts shared are own.
Go to the profile of Matías Quaranta
Matías Quaranta
Software Engineer @ Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB. Your knowledge is as valuable as your ability to share it.
Go to the profile of Nicholas Hurt
Nicholas Hurt
My personal blog, usually tech related. My views are my own.
Go to the profile of Scott Hanselman
Scott Hanselman
Tech, Diabetes, Parenting, Race, Linguistics, Web, Fashion, Podcasting, OSS, Code, Inclusive, Black Hair, Phony. I work for MSFT, but these are my opinions.
Go to the profile of Xander Grzywinski
Go to the profile of Den Delimarsky
Den Delimarsky
Program Manager @ docs.microsoft.com
Go to the profile of John Patrick Dandison
John Patrick Dandison
I build for the cloud. Making neat things for customers @Microsoft, raising kids and breaking things at home.
Go to the profile of Elena Neroslavskaya
Elena Neroslavskaya
Cloud Solution Architect and Technology Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Asavari Tayal
Go to the profile of Eric Calder
Eric Calder
Software engineer and game enthusiast at Azure Compute.
Go to the profile of Julien Corioland
Julien Corioland
Senior Software Engineer @ Microsoft | Paris, France
Go to the profile of Damian Brady
Go to the profile of jay gordon
jay gordon
i can't stand the peace and quiet.
Go to the profile of Brian Holt
Brian Holt
cloud dev advocate @ microsoft, teacher on frontend masters, panelist on front end happy hour, board member @ vetswhocode, lover of dogs and islay scotch
Go to the profile of Dean Bryen
Dean Bryen
Dad - Developer - Occasional blogger - Working in the Clouds - Views are my own!
Go to the profile of Rob Conery
Rob Conery
Author of The Imposter’s Handbook, founder of bigmachine.io, Cofounder of tekpub.com, creator of This Developer's Life, creator of lots of open source stuff.
Go to the profile of Daniel Dror
Daniel Dror
Software Engineer @Microsoft Azure Data Explorer
Go to the profile of John Papa
John Papa
Husband, father, and Catholic enjoying every minute with my family. Disney fanatic, evangelist, HTML/CSS/JavaScript dev, speaker, and Pluralsight author.
Go to the profile of Aaron Schlesinger
Aaron Schlesinger
Gopher, containerizer, and Kubernetes-er
Go to the profile of Aaron (Ari) Bornstein
Aaron (Ari) Bornstein
<Microsoft Open Source Engineer> I am an AI enthusiast with a passion for engaging with new technologies, history, and computational medicine.
Go to the profile of Adi Polak
Adi Polak
👩‍💻 Software Engineer 📚 Author of Scaling Machine Learning with Spark (O'Reilly) 🗣️ Keynote Speaker 💫 Databricks ambassador
Go to the profile of Jim Bennett
Jim Bennett
Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft, Xamarin Certified Developer, blogger, author of Xamarin In Action, speaker, father, husband. Opinions are my own. He/him
Go to the profile of Dr Ian McDonald
Dr Ian McDonald
Work at Microsoft but my own thoughts. I'm a Kiwi, live in Twickenham and love the place. I’m autistic too.
Go to the profile of Alessandro Segala
Alessandro Segala
Cooker of great risotto. Sometimes tech nerd. Driving dev tools, @code & open source @Microsoft @Azure ☁️ Opinions are mine 🇮🇹🇨🇦🇺🇸
Go to the profile of Bryan Hughes
Bryan Hughes
Software is written for people, by people. Without people, software would not exist, nor would it have a reason to exist.
Go to the profile of sigje
Dev Rel @ Google
Go to the profile of Luis Pablo Flores
Luis Pablo Flores
Cloud Solution Architect working @Microsoft LATAM for “One Commercial Partner” ….. Data Center Technologies, Networking and Operations
Go to the profile of Luca Zavarella
Luca Zavarella
Microsoft MVP for AI and Data Platform, Head of Data & AI at iCubed. Classical pianist in the free time.
Go to the profile of christoffer noring
christoffer noring
Google Developer Expert. Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft, https://twitter.com/chris_noring
Go to the profile of Simona Cotin
Simona Cotin
Cloud Developer Advocate @Microsoft
Go to the profile of Brian Benz
Brian Benz
Cloud advocate for @Microsoft @Azure
Go to the profile of Maninderjit (Mani) Bindra
Maninderjit (Mani) Bindra
Gopher, Cloud, Containers, K8s, DevOps | LFCS | CKA | CKS | Principal Software Engineer @ Microsoft
Go to the profile of Amit Ofir
Go to the profile of Neil Peterson
Neil Peterson
Deployment, management and observability of operationally sound distributed systems | @nepeters
Go to the profile of Jamie Phillips
Jamie Phillips
Jamie Phillips is a Senior Software Development Engineer, working remotely from East TN. During the day he works on Windows, but at night he is all about Linux.
Go to the profile of Jasmine
Really into code, the cloud, and showing others how to have fun with both. Cloud Advocate @ Microsoft
Go to the profile of Fidan Boylu Uz
Fidan Boylu Uz
Senior Data Scientist ay Microsoft. Make world a better place with AI.
Go to the profile of Ankit Srivastava
Go to the profile of Chloe Condon
Chloe Condon
Musical theatre actress turned developer evangelist.
Go to the profile of Tanay Pant
Tanay Pant
Developer Relations • 4 x Book Author ✍️
Go to the profile of Matt Cooper
Go to the profile of Matthew Gilliard
Go to the profile of Aaron Powell
Aaron Powell
Hi, my name’s Aaron Powell and I’m a Cloud Developer Advocate (CDA) at Microsoft. My area of specialty is front-end web dev, but I enjoy doing silly things with
Go to the profile of Dawood Iddris
Dawood Iddris
Chief Technology Officer at BezoMoney | Microsoft AI Most Valuable Professional | Ambassador at aigaming.com | Board Member at GlobalAICommunity
Go to the profile of Lachlan Evenson
Lachlan Evenson
Husband | Father of three | Youtuber | Containers @Azure | 🇦🇺 | Time Traveller | CloudNative Ambassador + Mercenary | CKA | Opinions are my own.
Go to the profile of Nick Greenfield
Go to the profile of Ayush
Copy-Pasta or Copy-Sphegatti idk. https://heyayush.live/
Go to the profile of Igor Izotov
Igor Izotov
Enterprise Solutions Architect @ AWS. Opinions shared are my own.
Go to the profile of Rudy De Busscher
Rudy De Busscher
Service Team Member for Payara Services Ltd
Go to the profile of Brian Goff
Go to the profile of Vishal Jain
Vishal Jain
Senior Product Manager at Microsoft
Go to the profile of Thomas Maurer
Thomas Maurer
As a Senior Cloud Advocate in the Microsoft Azure engineering team (Cloud + AI), I engage with the community and customers around the world.
Go to the profile of Krishnakumar R
Go to the profile of Amanda Chew
Amanda Chew
VP of Product at Horizon Quantum Computing
Go to the profile of Abhishek Gupta
Abhishek Gupta
Principal Developer Advocate at AWS | I ❤️ Databases, Go, Kubernetes
Go to the profile of Stas(Stanislav) Lebedenko
Stas(Stanislav) Lebedenko
Azure MVP | MCT | Software/Cloud Architect | Dev | https://github.com/staslebedenko | Odesa MS .NET/Azure group | Serverless fan 🙃| IT2School/AtomSpace
Go to the profile of Talend
Official news and insights from Talend, a leader in data integration for cloud and big data.
Go to the profile of Doug Foo
Doug Foo
Tech Manager by Day, ML Hacker by Night — founder: foostack.ai
Go to the profile of Christopher Derrig
Christopher Derrig
Christopher Derrig is a Full Stack Developer helping to bring enterprises to the Cloud. Specializes in Angular and the Microsoft Stack (C#, SQL Server, Azure)
Go to the profile of Bernd Verst
Go to the profile of Ruth Yakubu
Ruth Yakubu
Sr. Cloud Advocate @ Microsoft
Go to the profile of Arsen Vladimirskiy
Arsen Vladimirskiy
Principal Engineer / Architect, FastTrack for Azure at Microsoft
Go to the profile of Siyu Yang
Siyu Yang
Data Science #AIforEarth @Microsoft
Go to the profile of Henk Boelman
Henk Boelman
Cloud Advocate 🥑 at @azureadvocates | #Microsoft | Former #AI MVP | #Umbraco MVP | #AzureThursday, #GlobalAIBootcamp #GlobalAINight
Go to the profile of Yuchen Wang
Yuchen Wang
Program Manager for Java on Azure at Microsoft. Currently working on Java Azure tools and Azure Spring Cloud.
Go to the profile of Kylie
PM Lead at Microsoft for Azure Spring Cloud and Java and Java tooling for Azure, OSS fan
Go to the profile of Avishay Balter
Avishay Balter
Code, Cloud, Ops and Analog synthesizers. Software Engineer and Architect @ Microsoft.
Go to the profile of Itay Podhajcer
Itay Podhajcer
Former Microsoft MVP | Highly experienced software development & technology professional; consultant, architect & project manager
Go to the profile of Davide Mauri
Davide Mauri
Data Geek, Storyteller, Developer at heart, now infiltrated in Azure SQL product group to make sure developers voice is heard loud and clear. Heavy Metal fan.
Go to the profile of Vishwanath
Software Engineer@Microsoft #AzureMonitor #AzureMonitorForContainers #AKS #AzurePrometheus #AzureMonitorManagedPrometheus. Twitter @_vishiy_
Go to the profile of Ming Zhong
Go to the profile of Adam Bertram
Adam Bertram
A 20-year veteran of IT, crypto geek, content creator, consultant and overall problem solver.
Go to the profile of Isaac Levin
Go to the profile of Em
Experimental games, interactive art, OSS tools. Games & spatial computing advocate at Microsoft Azure.
Go to the profile of Vadim Karpusenko
Vadim Karpusenko
HPC researcher, Machine Learning / Deep Learning / AI Developer Evangelist
Go to the profile of Rick Jen
Rick Jen
Principal Cloud Solution Architect @ Microsoft
Go to the profile of Tianlei Wu
Tianlei Wu
Principal Software Engineer of Microsoft, working on ONNX Runtime.
Go to the profile of Willem Meints
Willem Meints
Technology advocate for Info Support. Huge fan of machine learning and deep learning.
Go to the profile of Inderjit Rana
Inderjit Rana
Views are my own. Principal Cloud Architect @Microsoft, LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/singhinderjit/
Go to the profile of Akihiro Nishikawa
Akihiro Nishikawa
Cloud Solution Architect @ Microsoft, and JJUG (Japan Java Users Group) board member. ♥Java (JVM/GraalVM) and open-source technologies. All views are my own.
Go to the profile of Jaunius Urbonas
Jaunius Urbonas
Data Science Consultant at Aiimi Ltd helping to build data science teams and deliver end to end data science projects.
Go to the profile of Leo Sorokin
Leo Sorokin
Leo is a solutions architect at Microsoft and provides customers with strategic guidance and best practices for adopting Azure services at scale.
Go to the profile of Gary L. Mullen-Schultz
Gary L. Mullen-Schultz
Senior Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, focusing on Azure infrastructure. Visit me at https://www.linkedin.com/in/garymullenschultz/
Go to the profile of Jim Toland
Go to the profile of Yufeng Li
Yufeng Li
Senior Software Engineer of Microsoft, working on ONNX Runtime and Tools.
Go to the profile of Prabal Deb
Prabal Deb
Love to unlearn/try/learn new things daily
Go to the profile of Patrick Alexander
Patrick Alexander
Data Solution Architect at Microsoft
Go to the profile of Mauro Minella
Mauro Minella
Big Data and AI Architect @ Microsoft. Happy to teach Statistics and Big Data at Cattolica University. Professional violinist in his first 25 years.
Go to the profile of Chonyy
SDE at AWS | ex-Microsoft | Open Source Contributor | GitHub: https://github.com/chonyy | LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chonyy/
Go to the profile of Dmitry Soshnikov
Dmitry Soshnikov
Cloud Developer Advocate / Software Engineer at Microsoft, Associate Professor at MIPT, HSE and MAI
Go to the profile of Sumeet Kumar
Sumeet Kumar
Just dabbling with networking.
Go to the profile of Dmitry Turchin
Dmitry Turchin
Believer in technology with 15+ years of experience in Technology industry and Business Development, focusing on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Go to the profile of Ayşegül Yönet
Ayşegül Yönet
Senior Azure Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft and focuses on Cognitive Services, Spatial Computing and WebXR. She is a co-chair of W3C Immersive Web
Go to the profile of Jo Franchetti
Jo Franchetti
Lead Developer Advocate
Go to the profile of James Dumont le Douarec
Go to the profile of Moumi Panja
Moumi Panja
Senior Technical Solutions Consultant at Google. Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer.
Go to the profile of Valentina Alto
Valentina Alto
Data&AI Specialist at @Microsoft | MSc in Data Science | AI, Machine Learning and Running enthusiast
Go to the profile of Ovidiu Dan
Ovidiu Dan
Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft. Backend, Frontend, Data — you name it.
Go to the profile of Caio Moreno
Caio Moreno
Solutions Architect and Data Scientist @databricks | Adjunct Professor at @IEuniversity | PhD @unicomplutense (Opinions are my own)
Go to the profile of Heyko Oelrichs
Go to the profile of Shiran Rubin
Go to the profile of Sharon Hart
Sharon Hart
Software Engineer @Microsoft CSE
Go to the profile of Agraj Mangal
Agraj Mangal
Engineering @ Atlassian | Ex-Adobe | Ex-Microsoft | https://agrajmangal.in/blog/ | Opinions my own
Go to the profile of 雲端架構師|中途筆記
Go to the profile of John Mark Agosta
John Mark Agosta
"Data Science" is a broadly encompassing term, and I focus on modelling, specifically the initial statistical formulation stages.
Go to the profile of Kshitij Sharma
Go to the profile of anand chugh
Go to the profile of Munish Malhotra
Munish Malhotra
Software Engineer, Microsoft
Go to the profile of Alon Bochman
Alon Bochman
AI at Microsoft. Kaggle Master.
Go to the profile of Ala Raddaoui
Ala Raddaoui
Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, digital nomad and fan of everything open source, smart and cloud native.
Go to the profile of Ivan (이반) Porta
Ivan (이반) Porta
Senior DevOps Engineer | Terraform Associate | Certified Argo Project Associate
Go to the profile of Anna Hoffman
Go to the profile of Marisa Brasil
Go to the profile of Manish Saluja
Manish Saluja
A curious technology enthusiast with deep expertise in designing, developing and architecting cloud solutions for Public Cloud, Private clouds & Hybrid Clouds.
Go to the profile of Mercy Prasanna
Mercy Prasanna
Principal Research ML Engineer @ Microsoft Research
Go to the profile of Cassie
Go to the profile of Abhiman Tiwari
Abhiman Tiwari
Program Manager at Microsoft
Go to the profile of Andre Camillo, CISSP
Andre Camillo, CISSP
Cloud, AI and Cyber Security tech, Career, Growth Mindset. Find my Discord &more: https://linktr.ee/acamillo . Architect @Crowdstrike. Opinions are mine!
Go to the profile of RK Iyer
RK Iyer
Architect@Microsoft, Technology Evangelist, Sports Enthusiast! All opinions here are my personal thoughts and not my employers.
Go to the profile of Pradip VS
Pradip VS
Architect@Microsoft. I help & co-innovate with the customers in Generative AI, ML, Data Engineering, Analytics, Resiliency Engineering, Data Arch & Strategies.
Go to the profile of Musunuru Sharmila
Musunuru Sharmila
Cloud Solution Architect @Microsoft. Join medium at discount with $5 using referral link below https://medium.com/@musunurusharmila/membership
Go to the profile of Niranjan Shankar
Niranjan Shankar
Software Engineer at Microsoft | Istio Service Mesh @ Azure Kubernetes Service | Kubernetes, Azure, DevOps, Service Mesh
Go to the profile of Riti Sharma
Riti Sharma
Senior Software Engineer @ Microsoft | Azure Machine Learning
Go to the profile of Jay Lee
Jay Lee
Cloud Native Enthusiast. Java, Spring, Python, Golang, Kubernetes.
Go to the profile of Jared Zagelbaum
Jared Zagelbaum
Serving and leading others with empathy and excellence at Microsoft
Go to the profile of Antonio Formato
Go to the profile of Beatriz Stollnitz
Beatriz Stollnitz
Bea Stollnitz is a principal developer advocate at Microsoft, focusing on Azure OpenAI, Azure ML, and other AI/ML technologies.
Go to the profile of Dave Glover
Dave Glover
Microsoft Regional Cloud Developer Advocate based in Sydney. Dream and code in .NET/C#, Python, and dabble with C++. Covers Azure, App Dev, and IoT
Go to the profile of Martin Gjoshevski
Martin Gjoshevski
Architect and Builder. (Eng @ Microsoft Azure, ex-AWS) - Opinions and observations expressed in this blog posts are my own.
Go to the profile of Saverio Proto
Saverio Proto
Customer Experience Engineer @ Microsoft - Opinions and observations expressed in this blog posts are my own.
Go to the profile of Aitor Murguzur
Aitor Murguzur
All things data. Principal PM @Microsoft Fabric CAT Spark. PhD in Comp Sci. All views are my own. https://www.linkedin.com/in/murggu/
Go to the profile of Nat Kershaw
Nat Kershaw
AI Frameworks @ Microsoft
Go to the profile of Ram v
Go to the profile of Debleena Banerjee
Debleena Banerjee
I am a learner for life. Love solving complex customer problems. Opinions on the blog are completely my own!
Go to the profile of Yasmine Maricar
Yasmine Maricar
AI/ML Tech Lead @Electronic Arts | Ex AI Cloud Architect @Microsoft | DS/ML Expert | NLP/NLU/NLG | XAI | Writer & Artist
Go to the profile of sunayana.singh
Go to the profile of Gustavo Cordido
Gustavo Cordido
Cloud Advocate in Artificial Intelligence @ Microsoft. Venezuelan
Go to the profile of Offir shvartz
Offir shvartz
Principal software engineer @Microsoft
Go to the profile of Ozgur Guler
Ozgur Guler
What I cannot create, I do not understand. GenAI builder. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ozguler/
Go to the profile of Rashmi Chandrashekar
Rashmi Chandrashekar
Software Engineer @ Microsoft