Top Stories published by’s PROSPECTive Blog in 2013

Minoring in Twitter: Yelich and Taylor Swift?

By dannywild2013

By Danny Wild

I only discovered Josh Satin’s eyebrows earlier this week — they are easily the biggest eyebrows in baseball, perhaps in sports (except for maybe Anthony Davis, but he…

Minoring in Twitter: A tribute to Cody Decker

By dannywild2013

By Danny Wild

Padres Minor Leaguer Cody Decker talks about golf in Scotland, winters in Russia, surfing in Australia, living in England and … either Decker is one of the most…

These were the top 10 stories published by’s PROSPECTive Blog in 2013. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2013 by using the calendar at the top of this page.