Top Stories published by Millennials For Revolution in 2015

Why You Should Join The #MillionStudentMarch: Student Loans

During a recent Yahoo news interview with Katie Couric, Bernie Sanders urged students to march on Washington:

My view is that the only we can bring about an agenda that works for working families is…

Why You Should Join the #MillionStudentMarch: Wage Stagnation

On November 12th, the Million Student March will be held on campuses across the nation. There are now 50 marches scheduled, with many more to come! To find your local event and sign-up, visit

Why You Should Join the #MillionStudentMarch: Career Choices

On November 12th, the Million Student March will be held on campuses across the nation. There are already 29 marches scheduled, with many more to come! To find your local event and sign-up, visit

Why You Should Join the #MillionStudentMarch: Cost of Living

On November 12th, the Million Student March will be held on campuses across the nation. There are now over 75 marches scheduled, with many more to come! To find your local event and sign-up, visit

Millennials For Revolution
We demand racial, economic, gender, and environmental justice. Join us at the polls and in the streets!
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