Meditation Techniques to Quiet the Mind and Connect to the Universe!

Peter Paxton
Mind Altar
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2021

There are a great many meditation techniques.

They all involve the quieting of the body and the mind. This is accomplished in a variety of ways. You could be asked to focus on your breathing. Or you could be asked to repeat a mantra. Or you could be asked to visualize a peaceful place. Quite often the end result of the meditation is the relaxed state itself. In this state, stress is released and the body rejuvenated.Dynamic meditation encompasses the relaxed state coupled with visualization.

It provides many of the exact same benefits as traditional meditation techniques. However, the end goal is to utilize the Law of Attraction to create your desired life.

When you visualize at a relaxed level and feel the emotions related to that which you are visualizing, you are in the creative state. You are purposely utilizing the Law of Attraction to attract your desires.

As this website expands there will be specific visualizations presented to attract health, wealth, relationships, happiness.

This web page will focus on the important component of attaining the meditative state.

There are people who can lower their brainwave level on demand. They do not require a step by step meditative process. However, this normally happens after they have mastered a meditation technique.

The process below assumes that you are new to meditation techniques or you are under some level of stress.

Here we go:

Find a very quiet place where you’ll not be disturbed for 20 or 30 minutes.

Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down with your head slightly elevated.

Close your eyes.

Inhale slowly, hold for a count of three and then exhale slowly. Do this three times.Slowly count back from twenty to zero, while visualizing each number. It is not necessary to say the number aloud.

Visualize a peaceful place -a beach, garden, forest, or any place that makes you feel relaxed. Stay in this place for 10 to 20 Seconds.Repeat the word “Relax” in your mind.Think of the top of your head and mentally say the word relax.

Now mentally say the word relax as you think of each of the following:

· forehead

· eyes

· face

· mouth

· neck

· back of neck to back of head

· shoulders — right then left

· biceps — right then left

· elbows right then left

· forearms — right then left

· wrists — right then left

· hands and fingers — right then left

· chest

· stomach

· hips — right then left

· thighs — right then left

· knees — right then left

· shins — right then left

· calves — right then left

· ankles — right then left

· feet — right then left

· heels — right then left

· toes — right then left

Now slowly think the word “Relax” and let it flow from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.

Feel yourself engulfed in positive white light.

You are now in the meditative state.

It is recommended that you attain this level three or more times each day.The length of each session will vary depending on what you are visualizing and how many details are involved.

As you practise this technique you’ll find that you can attain the lower brainwave level of alpha easier and faster.You may reduce the numbers down to ten or lower. You may eliminate the need to instruct each area of your body to relax.

Conversely, if you are feeling some anxiety you may go the other way and increase the count or slow the process down.After two or three weeks, a normal meditative day may look like this.

For a scheduled meditation, you close your eyes, take three deep breathes, count down from ten, and feel relaxation flowing down from the top of your head.If you are going about your day and run into some contrast you may just mentally say relax and feel it flowing down.

You have to decide what variations work for you. And you will probably find that different variations will work at different times.



Peter Paxton
Mind Altar

Mental Health Coach, Growth Hacker and Mindset Trainer.