Use Mind Power to Create Your Reality!

Peter Paxton
Mind Altar
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2021

Mind power is the key to creating your life, your way! Imagine living the life of your dreams.Now imagine knowing that it is not only possible, but it is probable.That is the power of the mind.

We came into this world with access to unlimited power. We access it through the use of our mind power.We came into this world with abilities that for the vast majority of humanity, we do not know we have. From the dawn of humanity, those that realized it, have been trying to show us how to use our mind power. — Jesus, Socrates, Buddha to name but a few.

The external world is the effect not the cause of what we experience in life. Yet, the external world can be all consuming. We react to what we actually experience in life. And sometimes what we feel can be very unpleasant.

It’s the proverbial tail wagging the dog. The power is not in the external world. The power is within you.“Know ye not that I have said ye are gods? Know ye not that I have said you will do these things and greater things still?”

- Jesus

Model for using mind power.

If you are able to accept this model, you will find it extremely useful in creating your external world. If it seems out there, I still urge you be as open as possible in using it.

I will be discussing Source Energy, subconscious mind, ego, and conscious mind.

I put forth for your consideration that we are extensions of Source Energy.

That Source Energy is the creative power of everything within the Universe.

The subconscious mind is our core connection to Source Energy.

What the subconscious mind accepts as truth, Source Energy will provide.

The ego defines our individuality.

There is “me,” the ego, and then everything and everybody else. The ego views everything within the context of what it thinks is best for “me.” It judges, it blames, it gets angry, it fears, it gets even.

It allows us to experience the contrast of this world. It gives us separateness, dark vs light, fear vs love.

It imprints itself upon our subconscious by pointing to the external world and saying this is a dangerous world. We should live in fear. We should be angry. We should blame others.

The extent that our subconscious accepts what the ego is saying, will determine whether we are reactive victims or deliberate creators.The conscious mind has the power of reason.

If you are reading these words and imprinting them as truth upon the subconscious, you are in the process of creating your life on your terms. The subconscious mind does not have the power of reason. It accepts as truth what it is given. If the conscious mind reasons that this model has merit and can make a huge difference in the quality life, the question then becomes how to imprint it upon the subconscious.

Where the ego has the advantage.

The ego has the external world to support its twisted vision of life. The news, chaos in the external world, humanity’s inhumanity, other egos trying to exert control.

Where the conscious mind has the advantage.

The power of reason.

Ability to focus with intent on the positive.

Ability to limit negativity by avoiding news, newspapers, etc.

Ability to meditate and envision your desires. The ego cannot go into the meditative state. Therefore, it is like a one on one between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The use of affirmations to program the subconscious mind.

What to expect as you make a conscious effort to program the subconscious mind.

You will feel good about life.

Positive events will start to happen.

It will be as if events and people flow into place for your benefit.

Initially, you will experience things which you consider to be coincidences. If you find yourself saying “wow that was weird,” you know you are on the right path.

Walk through the door.Your life will start to shift. At times it may seem that you’re moving away from what you wanted. Trust that Source Energy is on the move and is acting in your best interest.

You may be expecting your desires to come to you in a certain manner. They may. But more often than not, they’ll come where you are not looking.

When you have reached this point, you will feel the energy. You will know that you are connected to Source Energy and that you are being guided. Do not over analyze. It is a flow, a feel. A door will open. Walk through it.If you have doubts, go to the meditative state and ask. You will receive confirmation.Use your mind power and live life your way!



Peter Paxton
Mind Altar

Mental Health Coach, Growth Hacker and Mindset Trainer.