Summer Is Ending, What Did You Do To Be Happy?

Don’t let the end of the summer ruin the rest of the year.

Bryan Dijkhuizen
Mind Cafe


Image by Author (Bryan Dijkhuizen)

Hey, readers of Mind Cafe!

The Summer is almost ending and usually, that means the end of traveling, parties, and relaxing, and it means we’re going back to work or school.

Sometimes this causes sad feelings because you can’t process the amount of joy that you’ve gone through in such a short period of time.

Just like me on my trip to Switzerland.

We often forget that this is reality.

Our summers are escape methods and usually temporary. It shouldn’t be that way.

You shouldn’t work until the summer and only then be happy.

We lack purpose.

And that’s exactly what I’m going to focus on until the end of the year. Are you joining me? Sign up to Rewire Yourself & Discover Your Purpose.

Let’s get into the top 5 picks of the week. ➡



Bryan Dijkhuizen
Mind Cafe

Writing about the life of a neurodivergent creative in a neurotypical world. —