Go to Mind Magazines
Mind Magazines
We want to educate, intrigue, and allow students of all interests to look into the world of STEAM. No matter the age, background, or scientific knowledge, we believe that STEAM is something students of all interests can participate in through this magazine.
Note from the editor

We want to educate, intrigue, and allow students of all interests to look into the world of STEAM. No matter the age, background, or scientific knowledge, we believe that STEAM is something students of all interests can participate in through this magazine.

Go to the profile of Simone Lilavois
Simone Lilavois
Simone Lilavois is a NYC high school student passionate about understanding the nature of life in relation to the Cosmos.
Go to the profile of Nathan Park
Nathan Park
Hello, my name is Nathan. I am a 17 year old based in California who is interested in finance and economics.
Go to the profile of Aarna Arora
Go to the profile of James Surnamer
Go to the profile of Sarah Sverdlov
Go to the profile of Aleeza Jahan
Go to the profile of Lina Nada Maach
Lina Nada Maach
AI and Blockchain enthusiast. I write about Stem, emerging tech, growth, philosophy, culture, global causes, book recs, lifestyle, AI & Blockchain.
Go to the profile of Naila Moloo
Naila Moloo
17 y/o climate researcher
Go to the profile of Harsehaj Dhami
Harsehaj Dhami
17 year old ML enthusiast working on improving mental illness diagnosis.
Go to the profile of Carlos Manuel Jarquín Sánchez
Go to the profile of Prerana Manoj
Prerana Manoj
I love learning and making mistakes, because making mistakes helps me learn more.
Go to the profile of Isabella Jabbour
Go to the profile of Emma Li
Go to the profile of Anushri Sharma
Go to the profile of Olivka Rozenberg
Olivka Rozenberg
Hey! I’m a grade 11 student fascinated with learning, creating, and sharing what I learn with you!
Go to the profile of Jacob Appleton
Go to the profile of Kshirin Anandkumar
Go to the profile of Zara Pehlivani
Go to the profile of Ayman Miazi
Ayman Miazi
I’m Ayman, a teen from Australia fascinated by space. Follow and subscribe on email for regular articles on tech and space. Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/justinspace
Go to the profile of Jeremi Nuer
Jeremi Nuer
What does the future hold? I’m exploring emerging technologies such as AI and Quantum Computing
Go to the profile of Sebastian Ebenbichler
Go to the profile of Deepthy Ajith K
Deepthy Ajith K
~ chronic student // art and science ~
Go to the profile of Sarah Sverdlov
Go to the profile of Marshall Hubball
Marshall Hubball
High school student in NYC seeking to understand and explore the universe through the sciences.
Go to the profile of Fatima Khawaja
Fatima Khawaja
Exploring the many domains in life. Student, writer, scientist, explorer.