Bloggers Fighting Comment Spam

This is somewhat off-topic but then it is about blogging and this site (if you didn’t know) is a blog. So I’m joining in the fight to googlebomb the phrase online poker in order to keep those damn comment spammers off the top ranking on google. I spent hours clearing out Texas-Holdem-whatever comments from this blog. Down with spammers!

Red Cross Trademark Far Too Diluted to Defend

Over on Terra Nova, I found this note from Dave Hunter about the Canadian Red Cross getting uppity about videogame designers using a red cross as an icon for health. Apparently they don’t want to be associated with all of these shoot ’em up games the…

An Architecture for Conversation

In this article, “Fooled by a chatbot” the author discusses the fact that chatbots remain an interesting study for AI because people aren’t always using the maximum of their intelligence and that chatbots can pass a Turing Test in which the participants aren’t “on guard”…

Crispin: Ahead of the Game

Advertising Age named Crispin “Agency of the Year” this week. *YAWN*. Considering the fact that I think advertising is a dying animal I wouldn’t normally be too concerned about this particular announcement — except for the fact that Crispin is apparently responsible for just about…


Well, this little meme seems to be popping its head up everywhere: Omnium Finis Imminent. So far it’s been speculated that this is some kind of alternate reality game similar to Ilovebees. I decided to participate just for fun. [04–05–2005 Update: This didn’t turn out to be much of a culturejam after all. It was just advertising for the TV show Revelations. Phooey.]

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