ICLAB Lab05 Note

Week 6

2 min readJun 18, 2021


LAB Description

Topic of this week

  1. Macro (Intellectual Property, IP)
  2. Hard IP: Memory
  3. Memory Compiler


Matrix Computation (MC)


Use memory to build a design to complete matrix computations.

6 possible operations :
1. Set-up : C ← M
2. Addition : C ← M + C
3. Multiplication : C ← MC
4. Transpose : C ← CT
5. Mirror
6. Rotate Counterclockwise



What did I learn?

  1. How to use Memory Compiler to generate memory.
  2. How SRAM works, and how to use SRAM in the design.
  3. Tricks of doing modulo operation faster with p = 2^N — 1

Lecture Note

Memory Hierarchy

  1. Register (on chip)
  2. SRAM (on chip)
  3. DRAM (off chip)
  4. Disk (off chip)

Tricks of Doing Modulo Operation Faster with p = 2^N — 1

Memory Compiler Note


  • Instance Name : memory name.
  • Number of Words : number of entry for the designed memory.
  • Number of Bits : number of bits for every entry.
  • Frequency <MHz> : memory working frequency.
  • Multiplexer Width : 4-to-1, 8-to-1, 16-to-1 multiplexer.

Memory Architecture


Change the multiplexer width to make footprint close to square.

Q & A

Q : Cannot scp the memory directory to my account.
A : Use full path of the target directory.

Original command:scp -r iclab067_final/iclab067@linux01.ee.nctu.edu.tw

Warning:scp: warning: ...... : no such file (server msg: syserr: No such file or directory. file: ......

Revised command: scp -r local_home/mem/iclab067_final/ iclab067@linux01.ee.nctu.edu.tw

上一篇:ICLAB Lab04 Note
下一篇:ICLAB Lab06 Note

