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MIT Security Seminar
MIT Security Seminar
Summary of talks from the MIT security seminar
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Prio: Private, Robust, and Efficient Computation of Aggregate Statistics

Henry Corrigan-Gibbs came to give a talk on his NSDI paper on private computation of aggregate statistics. I’ll provide an overview of his work, but for more details, especially on the cryptography…

Sophos: Forward Private Searchable Encryption

Raphael Bost came to MIT to give a talk on his recent CCS paper about forward private searchable encryption. I’ll give an overview of his work, but I refer you to his paper for more details.

Privacy in a Data-Driven World

Roxana Geambasu from Columbia University came to speak at the MIT security seminar. She broadly talked about privacy in a data-driven world. What does she mean by this? For example, consider Gmail Ads. They serve ads based on information in your emails in Gmail. It’s not…