Meal`n`Real — Episode 1

Nikita Korolov
Published in
11 min readAug 21, 2022


The end of something is the beginning of something new! Six months have passed since the Bronze Age test. For some, they passed quickly, but for others, they lasted an eternity. While some players were resting after the winter test, others were preparing for new challenges from Mithraeum, using their experience and knowledge. And for many, the Mithraeum Bronze Age II test is the first acquaintance with the project. As for the Mithraeum team, we worked very hard to improve the product, fix bugs, and provide you with an exciting game experience.

On August 16, 2022, a new test round — Bronze Age II — started. Therefore, we want to introduce you to an experimental section in the weekly digest format. The players cannot always be aware of everything that happens in the game and outside of it. This format will try to fix this. The digest is intended to collect the most important and interesting events of the week and keep you posted on what is going on.

Changes and innovations

First, I would like to briefly describe the main game changes, as there are many: UI/UX changes, new game balance, additional mechanics, governor system, ally-enemy system, new types of troops, updated map with 3D models, and many other improvements. To get acquainted with the latest details and mechanics of the game, check our GitBook to learn more. You will find answers to many of your questions.

The main innovations in the game are cultists and the end of the game mechanics. The cultists will keep the players on their toes and prevent the entire gameplay turn into resource farming. I suggest you carefully read
this blog to understand how it works.


Before we go to the first days of the game and analyze how the guilds settled across the continent, let’s get acquainted with the guilds. Each guild has an embassy in the Mithraeum discord with a rank.

List of guilds:

  • Metaguild
  • Ready Player Dao
  • TombStone DAO
  • Degen Guild
  • Mortegard
  • ordengg
  • 0Y
  • UM6P
  • Chamomile
  • Ownton
  • Lizamix
  • Cryptocanucks

Each of the guilds has its own rank. Below I list the various ranks a guild can achieve.

⭐ — Tribe
⭐⭐ — Polis
⭐⭐⭐ — Nation
🌟🌟🌟 — Civilization

See here what rank each guild has and for what criteria it can be obtained. The rank can be changed during the test. We will definitely notice if the guild is active and shows a desire for upgrading to another rank.

The Mithraeum World includes 12 embassies of different levels at the moment. Such a system is beneficial for everyone. We, as a project, are getting more structured organizations able to develop unique in-game strategies and show diplomacy techniques, while guilds are becoming true communities, with a focus on the loyalty of the members, its leadership, and its structural system.

I want to note that in addition to guilds, there are single players on the server. They have just learned about the project and are interested to know more. It will probably be difficult for them in the future. But they can start showing their diplomatic abilities at any time, negotiating with others, and thinking about their in-game future.

Zone settling
So, how did the settling go? We created a map to show you the distribution of forces. The Mithraeum World consists of 20 zones. No more than 40 settlements can be placed in each zone. To create and place your settlement, you need to have enough BLESS tokens. But you must understand that each new settlement in the zone costs more than the previous one. You can find the pricing explanation here.

Now the World is 60% occupied, and this number will increase daily.

Let’s move on to the settling itself. The map below shows you what guilds occupy the zones. Larger banners show guilds dominating the zones, and smaller banners indicate the presence of competitors in fewer numbers.

This is our vision of the forces distribution on the map and may differ from the real situation

As we can see from the map, the picture is quite intriguing. There are many territories where representatives of one guild completely dominate, but there are also many territories with the presence of multiple guilds. It will be interesting to follow the development as disputes can be solved in two ways: by military or diplomatic means, by finding compromises and ways to agree.

We can also notice that the guilds from the winter test (Metaguild, TombStone, Degen Guild, Ready Player Dao), who have experience and understanding of the game, are trying to get a large piece of the pie. Some newcomers have confidently settled and plan to prove themselves. By the end of the test, the power domination of the zones might change. It might happen by different means, and it is thrilling to follow. We will try to keep up to date with all the events.

Highlights of the week

Mithraeum’s first-ever resource raffle
The day before the test started, we made a competition where we
raffled resources for creating unique banners and complying with the competition’s conditions. The result was ambiguous, and opinions were divided, both among the participants and among the judges. But let’s not forget that banner visuals can be called art, and it is subjective. Next time we will try to be more clear, avoiding confusion and disagreements.

BLESS drama
There was a quarrel at the embassy of one of the guilds. A participant went to 2 guilds at once, taking BLESS from both of them. The embassy accuses him of theft, while the participant proves they changed the rules and are themselves to blame. And he could not return them since they were locked. We do not presume to judge who is right and who is wrong, but it looks very interesting.

Good to notice
Regarding in-game actions, this week UkrBot, leader of the Tombstone guild, definitely stood out. He managed to hire 100 settlers in the first 25 hours. Which for many, even on day 4, remains an unattainable number. Worthy of respect!

And on the community activity side, we want to mention another member of the Tombstone guild — Snooch. He streams on twitch and talks about the Mithraeum project. So far, there have been a couple of episodes, with the most exciting one (at least for the dev team) this Friday night, when Bohdan, the founder of Mithraeum, joined him. They chatted about the game, and Bohdan answered Snooch’s questions. Be sure to check here.

Less than a week has passed from the test start, and we have the first siege on Mithraeum Bronze Age II.

And so, we have the first large-scale maneuver from 3 zones to the Dry Grasslands. Representatives of Degen Guild and Ready Player Dao decided to visit Redline. He gained rapid growth, and on the 4th day of the test, he had already hired 386 settlers. Turned out that the guys from other guilds were not happy with this. Either Degen and Ready have an alliance, and they joined forces to resolve this issue quickly, or one of them is going to defend RedLine. Grab your popcorn. Let’s see what happens next.

First large-scale maneuver. Dry Grasslands

We already have the first battle. The participants are — Molodoy with an army of 8 units from Ownton Guild against 9 units of Zaluzhnyi army from TombStone. The mechanism was launched and caused the battles throughout the World.

First battle

One-on-One in the TAVERN

Mithraeum is a social game, and community is very important to us. We want our players to interact with each other and us. And thus, we decided to start a digest section where we introduce you to several guilds and their leaders (and players), giving you more understanding of your allies and competitors with whom you share the same zone.

In the first publication, we introduce two veteran guilds who participated in the winter test and are familiar with the game. We talked to the leaders — Egor, the Metaguild leader, and UkrBot, the TombStone leader. We asked guys the same questions to know more about their guilds. So let’s see what came out of it. I want to say right away that this is not the last time we communicate with them or with representatives of their guilds. So we will still have the chance to know the guys and their guilds better.

Egor — Metaguild Leader

Could you please tell me about yourself and your guild?? How did the idea for creation come about?

We founded Metaguild with two of my friends at the beginning of 2021 as an organization to manage our in-game assets. No one talked about web3 games then, but we’ve been investing and following the space since 2018. In 2019 my friends founded one of the first crypto-gaming websites and helped bootstrap and build The Sandbox’s official local community. Before I discovered Bitcoin in 2017, I was a successful Hearthstone esports player. And quickly after we started Metaguild, I onboarded to the space and our team of many talented programmers. Many of them are part of the managing team and core members, like Eclipse, who is leading our Mithraeum horde. We believe in games with open economies, and our power is in a trusted community, a scientific approach to games, and tight coordination of players.

Did the settling go according to the plan?

Unfortunately, we faced a technical problem. We had a plan, but something went wrong. :) Settling more than sixty players isn’t an easy task!

How do you like the changes in the game? What immediately caught your eye?

The first thing I noticed was how visuals improved. The design team did fantastic work, and I haven’t seen many “web3 games” with a nuanced approach. I see improvements in UX, although it was pretty good in the first round. And the main thing: tutorial and guides — one of the most important things has been implemented.

Tell us a little about the structure you have for playing Mithraeum. Is it all run by one person? Or is it several people, and each has its own role?

We have three generals with key roles: a leader, a strategist, and an attache. A leader’s role is self-describing. Our strategist Misha is responsible for developing strategy, doing calculations, and writing guides for our players. He is doing magic with numbers! Johan is our communicator who is responsible for diplomacy and foreign policy. He is the person from who I learned a lot about communications. :) We also have lieutenants that help and support other team members and help generals.

How many new players do you have? Did everyone who played in the winter test remain?

We have around 60 players. Many of them are veterans of the first test round.

What is your role? Will you play by yourself? Or is it only possible to observe and manage?

Due to the high demand from our guild members to play and a limited amount of slots, I decided to take an overseer role. I still have access to the game through another member’s private key and played a bit.

What makes Mithraeum different from other games?

It’s different because of team commitment and fidelity to principles of web3 and rationalism. While many other game developers are busy thinking about money, the Mithraeum team is busy leading the revolution in gaming. Their approach is extremely risky, and work might be unnoticed, but that’s how we change the world.

Who do you consider a competitor, and who should you be afraid of?

Our main competitor is Mithraeum game designers. We are only afraid of not having worthy opponents in the game.


UkrBot — TombStone Leader

Could you please tell me about yourself and your guild?? How did the idea for creation come about?

Thank you for your questions. I have been a gamer for many years, and I am also engaged in entrepreneurship and art collecting.

Now volunteering has also been added to this. The idea of ​​creating our DAO guild came during a series of meetings and drinking with my good friend.

He is a philosopher and crypto enthusiast.

Did the settling go according to the plan?

We were ready for any options, so I can say yes — all good 🙂

How do you like the changes in the game? What immediately caught your eye?

We played on the pretest, so we were completely ready for the test. If we talk about significant differences, then this is a reworking of the military module.

Almost full reworking: auction for soldiers, military infrastructure, unit types.

Tell us a little about the structure you have for playing Mithraeum. Is it all run by one person? Or is it several people, and each has its own role?

We are a guild of friends, and friends of our friends. Therefore, the level of trust in the guild is very high. The decisions are made during our government meetings.

How many new players do you have? Did everyone who played in the winter test remain?

Most of those who were on the test continued to play. There are significantly more newcomers. Our total number is a secret.

What is your role? Will you play by yourself? Or is it only possible to observe and manage?

If you manage something, you have to understand something about it. Also, I love this game.

What makes Mithraeum different from other games?

The answer will be dual. Mithra reminds me of real games from my childhood, not the money-making crap that comes out now.

But at the same time, it is a game of the future. OnChain games are this true blue ocean that will surprise us more than once.

Who do you consider a competitor, and who should you be afraid of?

We are not afraid of opponents, we enjoy a well-played game 🙂


We want to thank the guys for their responsiveness, answers, and consent to participate in our new experimental column. I am sure we will have many exciting things ahead in the game and beyond it. Good luck!

Feed the flames
Do you have something to say? Maybe you are dissatisfied with embassies’ alliances or guild leaders’ decisions and simply want to vent out. Or you just want to say ‘hello’ to some guilds or the Mithraeum dev team. Maybe you want to mislead other players and get them into your strategic trap?

Whatever the case, fill out the form below, anonymously or under your name, and we will publish the selected pieces. It is your chance to feed the Mithraeum flames! 🔥


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