Top Stories published by Moblize.IT LLC in 2018

How to create a webhook channel for oracle chat bots

Once you have a chat bot up and running the next step is to be able to use it over channels like mobile app or facebook or slack. The famous technique behind this is called webhook. You can set up a webhook that can help you communicate…

Create a Oracle chatbot client to communicate over webhook

As discussed in earlier post on how to setup the webhook channel for your bot, the next step would be to communicate to your bot using a client over the setup webhook channel.

How to connect oracle intelligent bot with custom component service hosted on AMCe

Earlier, I covered how to create a AMCe backend, how to create a oracle chat bot, then how to connect the AMCe backend with oracle chat bot here. Today, I am discussing the next step where…

Carr Fire : How Chat Bots Can help insurance industry

For the ongoing fire in majority of the California as LATimes mentioned:

“Earlier this week, firefighters across the state battling blazes including the Carr fire in Shasta County and the Ferguson fire near…

Hurricane Florence do you have the flood coverage ?

As per

As of 5 p.m., the center of Florence located 360 miles south-southwest of Bermuda and 785 miles east-southeast of Cape Fear, N.C., and it’s moving to the west-northwest at 17 mph. Hurricane and…

These were the top 10 stories published by Moblize.IT LLC in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Moblize.IT LLC
A leading IT software and consulting company building chat bots, cross platform mobile apps and modernizing legacy UIs
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