Visual Concept Making Step-by-Step

Laurent Balmelli
Model-Driven Conceptual Design
13 min readOct 21, 2019


Visual Concept Making 3/5

This series of articles is related to the conceptual design of products and services, in particular with the goal of assessing their feasibility. I introduce a methodology that I named Visual Concept Making whose goal is to provide a series of steps to assess the difficulty in realizing a particular design. The methodology is then focused on testing feasibility assumptions of a product idea and used in the scope of more general approach such as the construction of a Minimum Viable Product in the Lean Startup Methodology. These articles are in support of the graduate class on product design that I teach in Japan every year in October.

All articles in this series

Problem Statement and Feasibility Assumptions

The goal of constructing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) as explained in the Lean Startup methodology is the validation of a series of business assumptions around desirability, feasibility and viability.

In this article, I discuss how to implement the Visual Concept Making methodology, an approach that focuses on validating feasibility



Laurent Balmelli
Model-Driven Conceptual Design

Professional in cyber-security, innovation, life-long learner; startup with successful exit; Guest professor at Keio University Grad. School, Tokyo Japan