Go to Modern Critique
Modern Critique
We create articles designed to tickle your brain with refreshing insights into burning topics.
Note from the editor

It happened on a fine evening when a college Freshman was suffering from loneliness and he decided to call up his chum to have a chat. They used to talk about how intellectually challenged people in college were and how non creative the majority of the people are. They used to talk with references from movies, about depth of life…while other people used to talk about senseless relationship problems, birthday treats and random stuff followed with unusual gauche cachinnation. They realized that treading through BS would at some point leave a stink on them. So they decided to use grammatical deodorants. They decided to write thought-provoking, relatable, retrospective articles to keep up the habit of writing stuff. Writing such articles required careful choice of topics…extensive research on them and producing the best piece of writing possible. Now such a job would scare normies to death because they loathe working on anything at all…people just want to exist…not do anything. Thus Modern Critique was incepted. With time the community of Critiques came together and ‘Modern Critique’ started operating in its true sense, Modernistic and Critical.

Go to the profile of Soham Malakar
Soham Malakar
AI/ML | Deep Learning Enthusiast | Part-time Philosopher | Hobbyist Graphic Designer | Fancies a good deliberation | https://malakarsoham.com
Go to the profile of Samik Dutta
Samik Dutta
Unmasking the subtleties of our existence
Go to the profile of Avinandan Dey