Editors’ Picks: Top Articles in Modern Women for July

The pieces that stood out from an incredible month of Modern Women publishing

Brenda Covarrubias
Modern Women
3 min readAug 1, 2024


Photo by Haley Lawrence on Unsplash

Philosopher Carl Jung believed there were different layers to an individual’s persona. There was the person they were in front of others, then there was the person they were when no one was watching.

This month, we asked our writers to dig beneath the surface and consider those traits, beliefs and habits that we seldom show the rest of the world. Who are you when no one is watching? And even as important: who is it that you want to be?

As always, our community of prolific writers delivered in droves! Between truly thought-provoking essays on the notion of one’s self, to the ways in which recurring abuse alters a person’s perception of reality, and what we might do to find truth and healing, our writers showed us just how powerful storytelling and the written word can be.

It is months like these that we as editors are reminded of the power and importance of communication, as it is by sharing our stories that we heal, grow and find comfort.

While we cannot showcase every writer, we appreciate every submission and story shared.

In honor of that, we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate some of the stories that captivated our hearts and minds. Without further ado, here are a few of our favorites from the month of July, hand-picked by your friendly editors at Modern Women.

Brenda Covarrubias’ top pick for July is… “Confessions of an Overachiever,” by K. Queen.

Workaholic. Perfectionist. Overachiever. These words are common to many of us who don’t allocate time for breaks and take what we do very seriously. But have you thought of a different word? Like, “Addict”?

In her essay, K. Queen expresses the true issue with overachievement and why it is a detriment to one’s health. A brutally honest and deeply personal essay, it brings to reality many of the harmful behaviors some of us take for granted. It is an excellent read for anyone struggling with work/life balance.

Mariana Carvalho’s top pick of July is… “A Rooster in the City,” by Mariana P.

Mariana shares a vulnerable story that transitions from denial to acceptance, demonstrating the importance of confronting uncomfortable truths rather than ignoring them.

She highlights the difficult but necessary process of letting go of something that is not beneficial, a valuable lesson in making tough decisions for the greater good. Despite the challenges, the story is told with a sense of humor and perspective, suggesting that maintaining a positive outlook can help navigate difficulties.

Adeola Sheehy’s top pick of July is… “What Happened to My Daughter Was Tragic, But I Won’t Let it Be a Tragedy,” by Rebecca Drohan

This was such a beautifully written and moving piece, I know it will be deeply impactful to so many of our readers. It also made me think about the nature of grief and that it is not solely about grief surrounding death but loss of any kind, and perhaps if we could acknowledge that it would help us to process and tread more gently with ourselves and others.

If you would like to write for Modern Women, please take the time to read our submission guidelines here…

And if you are itching to write but need some inspiration, you can find our monthly prompts at the top of our home page.



Brenda Covarrubias
Modern Women

Brenda Covarrubias is a freelance writer and editor. Her writing focuses on people, communities and the situations that drive them. https://linktr.ee/brendacova