Editors’ Picks: Top Articles in Modern Women for June

The pieces that stood out from an incredible month of Modern Women publishing

Brenda Covarrubias
Modern Women
3 min readJul 3, 2024


Photo by Jennifer Marquez on Unsplash

Life is full of tough choices, and despite whatever we may hear, “following your heart” is not always easy — especially when your heart desires two different things.

This month, we asked our writers to consider what comforts and risks they see in their lives, and how deciding between the two has shaped them into the people they are today.

As we expected, our writers showed up and delivered!

Between heartbreaking stories of self-discovery and societal pressures that prevent honest communication, our writers dove deep into what makes them special — and what they want to change.

These stories have been a pleasure to read not only because they are entertaining, educational and expressive, but because they offer a chance to connect.

By sharing their stories, our writers have shared a piece of themselves, showing the community that whether we live a thousand miles apart or grew up in different cultures, our hearts remain largely the same.

While we cannot showcase every writer, we appreciate every submission and story shared.

In honor of that, we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate some of the stories that captivated our hearts and minds. Without further ado, here are a few of our favorites from the month of June, hand-picked by your friendly editors at Modern Women.

Brenda Covarrubias’ top pick for June is… “Sharing Personal Stories on Social Media,” by Mariana P.

There comes a point in every writer’s career when they have to question, “Do I really want people knowing about this?” With so much of our lives plastered on social media, our work easily accessible to the public and an ever-growing audience, sometimes our words can be misunderstood and taken out of context.

Mariana does a great job of illustrating how confusing and upsetting a situation like this can be and what writers can do to deal with the fear of backlash.

Adeola Sheehy’s top pick for June is… “Choose the Beast,” by Shanelle Hicks.

There have been dozen of responses to the bear/man conversation, and sadly because we often preach to the choir they can blur into one. This poem by Shanelle stood out for me because of it’s vivid description and deliberate rhythm. It contains the rage and frustration, as well as the resignation of being in this society we have created. It’s a piece I would like to hear out loud as a rallying cry. We have to do better!

Mariana Carvalho’s top pick for June is… “How To Nuke Your Narrow Viewpoint!” by Neela.

Neela explores the importance of understanding and embracing diverse perspectives to foster empathy and emotional intelligence. I love how she talks about the transformative power of such efforts in personal and professional settings, advocating for humility, real curiosity, and a commitment to expanding our perspective.

If you would like to write for Modern Women, please take the time to read our submission guidelines here…

And if you are itching to write but need some inspiration, you can find our monthly prompts at the top of our home page.



Brenda Covarrubias
Modern Women

Brenda Covarrubias is a freelance writer and editor. Her writing focuses on people, communities and the situations that drive them. https://linktr.ee/brendacova