FREE Non-Fungible Token during October!

Haley Summers
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2018

Get a free Non-Fungle Token (NFT) from during the month of October!

The Molder Era of is here and no more Genesis Era Mokens can be minted! The name of this era was inspired by existing Molders (moken holders) to encourage new people to the platform. During the Molder Era, your first moken is free. After you’ve minted your first moken, the mint price is 0.02 ETH.

If you have been wanting to mint an ERC721 or ERC998 non-fungible token, this is your chance to do it for free (plus gas costs)! Read more about using for ERC998.

The Genesis Era was a fantastic success with over 107 mokens minted and we are excited to welcome new Molders to the community whose ideas will stimulate new growth for and the NFTy Community!


Q: What if I became a Molder during the Genesis Era? Can I still mint a free moken?
A: The smart contract enforces with Molder Era rules according to unique wallet addresses. To mint a free moken, please use a new wallet address.

Q: How is the Moler Era different than the Genesis Era?
A: The Genesis Era was the first era of minting on the platform. The Genesis Era had 1 free moken, Moken 0, and an increasing mint price for each new moken. The Molder Era is different because each new user to the platform will receive a free moken and there is no increasing mint price.

Q: What will the next Era of minting on be and when will it start?
A: Existing Molders have the ability to submit a New Era Proposal. The Molder Era will come to a close at the end of October and the new era will begin.

Q: How can I get involved with
A: Become a Molder, submit a Mokens Improvement Proposal (MIP), or join us on Discord or Tok’n’talk!

