Go to momento→us
Life isn’t lived in milestones, but small steps. Enjoy moments of real life—comic, tragic, or magic— illustrated with art by Ernio Hernandez.
Note from the editor

I started drawing little moments from my life. It was a fun way to share something small that could make someone smile. I have since expanded this to include others’ stories. These may not be large, life-changing stories, or change the way you see the world, but they still matter → They are moments to us.

Go to the profile of Ernio Hernandez
Ernio Hernandez
Writer-Artist ✍ Contact: ernio.com →in New Yorker: http://bit.ly/NYernio Find @ernio_art →on Instagram: http://bit.ly/eh-art License →via CartoonCollections.com
Go to the profile of Ernio Hernandez
Ernio Hernandez
Writer-Artist ✍ Contact: ernio.com →in New Yorker: http://bit.ly/NYernio Find @ernio_art →on Instagram: http://bit.ly/eh-art License →via CartoonCollections.com
Go to the profile of Rachel B. Baxter
Rachel B. Baxter
A few good stories, a thousand different versions. My dreams are written in form. Author of Mother Scorpion. http://rbbaxter.com
Go to the profile of Carina Sitkus
Carina Sitkus
Editor of Curiosity Never Killed the Writer; www.carinasitkus.com