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Money Basics
Unlock your financial potential with our Medium publication dedicated to personal finance, investing, mindset, and self-improvement. Get actionable insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories to help you take control of your financial future and achieve your financial goals.
Note from the editor

The Money Basics publication is here for anyone looking to learn about money and mindset. This is a publication meant to bring people together to talk about money, to build strong foundations of knowledge that our education systems have failed to teach us, and to spread awareness. We also like to talk about mindset and motivation which goes hand-in-hand with money behaviours. We are looking for contributors! If you write about money or mindset in an easy to understand way, drop us a line! Please note — we do not endorse high-risk trading behaviours as this is publicaiton geared towards the beginner. We do not want to dangle that carrot in front of people who may not be able to assess risk properly at this stage of their financial journey.

Go to the profile of MoneyBasics
Firefighter. Investor. Teacher. Learner. Creator of MoneyBasics.thinkific.com
Go to the profile of MoneyBasics
Firefighter. Investor. Teacher. Learner. Creator of MoneyBasics.thinkific.com