Top Stories published by MongoDB in September of 2017

GDPR: Impact to Your Data Management Landscape: Part 1

By Mat Keep

The timeline for compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is fast approaching. From May 25th 2018, any organization failing to satisfy the new regulation faces…

GDPR: Impact to Your Data Management Landscape: Part 2

By Mat Keep

Welcome to part 2 of our 4-part blog series.

  • In part 1, we provided a primer into the GDPR — covering its rationale, and key measures

MongoDB Certified Professional Spotlight: Guru Rajan Ganesan

This week we’re featuring Guru Rajan Ganesan, a MongoDB Developer-certified — and soon to be DBA-certified — professional who works at Isentia as a MongoDB database administrator. Though he never imagined jumping into the…

GDPR: Impact to Your Data Management Landscape: Part 4

By Mat Keep

Welcome to the final installment of our 4-part blog series.

  • In part 1, we provided a primer into the GDPR — covering its rationale, and key measures