Mikko Koskensyrjä: Does Not Lie

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12 min readMay 20, 2018
This is Mikko Koskensyrjä. This photo is publicly available when you search his name in any number of search engines.

Editors Note: This article may make more sense if you read the first part of the Mikko K series linked Here, and also this background break down of what has happened linked Here

Since writing the previous article, Mikko Koskensyrjä: Insurance Mystic? Mikko Koskensyrjä has made, at last count, three police complaints against me.

These police complaints allege that I have committed defamation against him.

That in writing about what was happening to me, as an obvious satire, but also while directly quoting his emails as I described his and the actions of the building owners board. With photos.

That in doing that.

That I had somewhere lied. And in lying, by pasting extracts of Mikko Koskensyrjä’s server stamped emails that he wrote, with photos. And by posting it to the Internet and tweeting about it. That I had committed some form of criminal defamation. And Mikko Koskensyrjä wanted me punished.

The first I heard of this was when a Helsinki police officer emailed me asking me to come in for an interview regarding the complaints. I refused to attend the police station and sent instead a large volume of documents and correspondence with Mikko Koskensyrjä and others involved, such as Pekka Ruokonen. Asking the police officer to read the documentation before proceeding with the investigation.

I don’t think the Police were expecting the blanket refusal.

I did agree later, but not until I had an attorney.

Something that was proving difficult, as since being forced to go against Pekka Ruokonen every attorney I contacted appeared to be busy or was wearing a towel and couldn’t hear me or had a conflict of interest or some excuse.

(The attorney I did end up with, never happened, as she was fired for malpractice before we could make the station.)

During all of this official mediation was offered, and I accepted this.

At this point, I did not know I was legally entitled to see the police complaints made by Mikko Koskensyrjä.

So I did not yet know that Mikko Koskensyrjä’s complaints were short and consisted almost entirely of Mikko Koskensyrjä saying everything was lies, all lies and I had taken these lies, all lies to Twitter.

But, we’ll get to that.

I’m not saying anyone is a psychopath, but, when I told a man down the Metro station, he said “That sounds a lot like a psychopath, but I’ve been wrong before, don’t quote me.”

Police mediation consisted of Mikko Koskensyrjä, a state translator, two mediators, my translator and myself. Around a boardroom table. Mediation cannot be recorded, and mediators state they are not able to give evidence in court. This bit of information is, after some reading of the Finnish law, apparently, incorrect.

Mikko Koskensyrjä was asked if he would like to go first, and then asked what his grievance was. Mikko Koskensyrjä had a little list by his right elbow.

Mikko Koskensyrjä opened the mediation by stating that I had written this article Mikko Koskensyrjä: Insurance Mystic?, and doing so, and publishing it, I had accused him of

Witchcraft and the Occult.

and that, in accusing him of witchcraft and the occult, I had damaged his business and potentially caused further damage.

I began then, to list some of the things Mikko Koskensyrjä had said and done.

Here’s a partial, off hand list of some of the things Mikko Koskensyrjä had said and done

  • Injecting himself into a matter that should legally have only been between my landlord and I.
  • Attempting to tell me a few incorrect interpretations of tenancy laws. [Some might call this coercive lying but remember Mikko Koskensyrjä does not lie.] This was a demand on how I could legally use the dwelling I rented from my landlord, Pekka Ruokonen. Who clearly, by the nature of being called Pekka Ruokonen, was not Mikko Koskensyrjä.
I had never mentioned any plan to seek compensation with Mikko Koskensyrjä as he was not Pekka Ruokonen my landlord. A careful check of the law regarding this repeated statement by Mikko Koskensyrjä would show he must have been mistaken in telling me how to use my dwelling, as we have to remember, Mikko Koskensyrjä does not lie.
"During the survey we noticed that the outer windows of your apartment are open. Please close them. Otherwise water and cold will damage the windows." - Mikko Koskensyrjä
  • Demanding I close my windows. I have never understood why Mikko Koskensyrjä decided I was not allowed to have fresh air into the apartment I rented. But it clearly irked him enough and he felt powerful enough to order it in email. As he could not see that the inner windows were also open and as there were other windows open in the apartment block, I can only assume this was some form of harassment.
  • Repeatedly asked for the same information, namely a sound diary of the disturbance. And when he got it, ignored it and asked for it for another way or stating it was wrong, asked for another. Some might call this a stalling tactic, but Mikko Koskensyrjä would never do that, as Mikko Koskensyrjä does not lie.
  • Been party to blocking and refusing private sound tests of the disturbance.
  • Decided not only was he injecting himself into the matter between myself and my landlord, Pekka Ruokonen but that he was in a position to discuss compensation on a matter that did not involve him.
  • Joked about the disturbance and the suffering it caused, several times, likening it to this one time he had rented a place over a disco in Mexico.
  • Committed actual defamation against me. Whereby, based on some false accusations by the illegally constructed Flamenco Hall and late night venue. Mikko Koskensyrjä as now president of the building board of owners of Asunto Oy Kristiinankatu n:o 4, had sent a list of these supposed crimes, ranging from criminal intimidation, criminal harassment, criminal vandalism, verbal abuse to the 170 apartments in the block,giving my apartment number as the source of the criminal.

That’s right, while they did not name me in the letter they sent. They gave my exact apartment number as the perpetrator and source of these “crimes”. Nothing unsafe or potentially illegal about that as long as you are a Finnish person doing it to an immigrant.

Here’s an extract of a meeting about the matter.

That’s a member of Asunto Oy Kristiinankatu n:o 4 stating they did not know, and that they should have investigated the Flamenco Schools claims. But went ahead and sent the letter out anyway. As it happens, at the same meeting, the building board said they would retract the statement about my involvement.

This was a lie.

They went on to repeat the statements, discussing them apparently in further detail.

Essentially, they knowingly went in and repeated the defamation. In person.

This might be somewhat of a surprise, if there was not a recording of Mikko Koskensyrjä admitting there was disturbance. Which is odd as Mikko Koskensyrjä has always and resolutely denied there was any disturbance. I mean to admit that in a meeting you forget you gave to consent to be recorded whilst publicly fighting the nonexistence of disturbance, that’d be lying right?

But it can’t be, because Mikko Koskensyrjä doesn’t lie.

  • Injected himself into consumer complaint between my landlord, Pekka Ruokonen and myself.

This one is good. Insofar as it shows, in my opinion, the level of the man’s lazy corrupt arrogance. But my opinion has to be wrong, because Mikko Koskensyrjä does not lie and is none of these things.

As additional evidence in Pekka Ruokonen’s reply to my complaint, he had included a letter from Mikko Koskensyrjä that generally talked about what a bad person I, a nuisance and to back this up Mikko Koskensyrjä had, printed out emails, he had then badly and obviously folded the emails to misrepresent the communication, he had then scanned the folded printed emails again and attached these truncated emails as evidence.

Funny, but then this is a grown man who called other adult men “cheeky”.

When I asked the consumer complaints board about this; they told me they did not know how to reply because they had never had an issue where someone like Mikko Koskensyrjä had injected himself into Pekka Ruokonen’s reply. Nor had they had to deal with a retired attorney ignoring privacy laws and letting Mikko Koskensyrjä inject himself into the matter. It had literally, according to the consumer complaints board, never happened before.

  • Mikko Koskensyrjä would later inject himself into every other complaint I made that he could access. Including one against the building manager, Ullamaria Hall. Which, because she had “parted ways” with the company who had previously managed the building, Mikko Koskensyrjä wrote it almost entirely for her. As she had mysteriously been blocked from her emails by her previous employers. The complaint he wrote for Ullamaria Hall, he spent a bit of time referencing this article about Pekka Ruokonen: Finnish Patriot? #1 — A triptych of heroism - he did this by circling parts he didn’t like and just putting ! - including, beside the bit about Pekka Ruokonen threatening to shoot me. As Mikko Koskensyrjä seems to have decided, that I am lying.
  • Where, when he would pop up in replies to complaints I had made, Mikko Koskensyrjä would complain about my not being able to speak Finnish and if so, why was I allowed access to these state complaint apparatus.
  • Impersonate a safety officer, claiming he was an insurance broker and had done some courses on the matter and had a look around the building and everything was safe.
  • Conducted a safety test without safety measurement equipment, just a bit of a walk around and his clearly superior eyes and ears to judge the safety of a building.
  • Deliberately misunderstand which ventilation was referred to even when provided with photos.
  • Insisted on the safety of a ventilation unit he had never seen. Demanded it was in my rental contract that I oversee the ventilation unit. (It was not, and remember, Mikko Koskensyrjä was not my landlord).
  • Sent diagrams and insisted on my duty to maintain this ventilation unit, the safety of which he insisted upon. The ventilation unit did not exist. When the panel was removed; there was only a hole stuffed with socks and torn t-shirts. However, Mikko Koskensyrjä was telling me he could judge the safety of things that did not exist. Demanding I listen to him. If this is not the display of some sort of mystical power then Mikko Koskensyrjä would have to be some sort of bare-faced liar with ulterior motives. And remember, Mikko Koskensyrjä does not lie.
  • I have to revisit the discrimination complaints, it is still very funny that Mikko Koskensyrjä is allegedly so very not racist that in several discrimination complaints, a couple that do not even involve him, Mikko Koskensyrjä is complaining about my inability to speak Finnish and still be allowed make complaint.
  • Attempted to use a threat of legal action to get me to sign a false confession of committing criminal acts that I had not committed. (Pretty sure that’s illegal, but then, nothing will happen, because I am foreign, and this is Finland. Hey there Finnish cops, who are likely reading this after some shrill complaint by Mikko Koskensyrjä. It’s funny because it’s true. Helsinki Police have ignored everything. I’m told repeatedly by Helsinki Police that it’s not because I am foreign.)
  • Sent notice of my being penalised by the building owners board to 170 apartments. To be clear, there is no legal requirement of sending this notice. They just needed to make me look as bad as possible, even after admitting it was a lie. Mikko Koskensyrjä, president of the owners board, was clearly not involved in this, as Mikko Koskensyrjä does not lie.
  • Told me that, previous building manager, Timo Hagner absconded with private information but tells me not to make a data privacy complaint. I can’t remember reasons but I’m sure Mikko Koskensyrjä had real ones rather than as he does not lie.
  • Repeatedly blame Timo Hagner for everything, even though Timo Hagner had requested a mechanical test, which the board of owners, would refuse.

There’s more, but to wrap up this list and get back to the accusation of

Witchcraft and the Occult

Here’s Mikko Koskensyrjä, insurance broker and risk assessor, testing the safety of a ventilation unit with just his ears. By way of going over, and having a listen for a little bit, before deciding it was indeed, as he believed, safe, all the time.

and now, back to Mikko Koskensyrjä’s assertion in Helsinki Police organised meditation that I had accused him of

Witchcraft and the Occult

After the mediation, as Mikko Koskensyrjä was so adamant that I had accused him of this, that I assumed it was in his police complaints. So I asked whether or not the police would be investigating him for witchcraft and the occult. At first I was told that witchcraft and the occult is not against the law. After reading the Finnish religious tolerance law and finding out that traditional as viewed by the Church Witchcraft and the Occult was against the law. And telling the Helsinki police this. I was met with a vague sort of silence and refusal to investigate.

Then I got my hands on Mikko Koskensyrjä’s three police complaints. There was no mention of what he had opened with and repeatedly referred to in the Police Mediation. Just that everything including the photo of himself, his emails, and statements, everything was lies.

And clearly, as Mikko Koskensyrjä does not lie. Some mistake must have made somewhere.

His other point in the mediation, was about the use of the photo, which he told me, even though it was publicly available was copyrighted. This led to a discussion about the Streisand effect.

Shortly after the mediation had begun, and throughout the mediation, the mediators paused to apologise to me. As they had not been informed of the complexity of the issue. The translator stopped translating the eldest mediator, as she had begun answering my rhetorical questions about tolerating Mikko Koskensyrjä with emphatic “Ei!”(no).

By and large, Mikko Koskensyrjä, who does not lie, or misrepresent facts, was completely emotionless. I did not put this down to anything other than the fact that somehow, somewhere, a mistake in record or information must have been made, one which had led to Mikko Koskensyrjä contradicting himself so many times. And that, perhaps, if he had been aware of this finer point of detail, he might have indeed expressed even a modicum of emotion.

This was not so, as Mikko Koskensyrjä, when asked if he would like a final say in the matter told me,

  • You will take Mikko Koskensyrjä: Insurance Mystic? down.
  • You will apologise.
  • You will pay damages.
  • You will pay a fine.
  • You will be punished.

About three times.

In return, I, the far more emotional of the two, told Mikko Koskensyrjä well if he wanted a war, he would get one.

I might have misjudged this.

As, considering Mikko Koskensyrjä is completely above the law in Finland. He and the building owner’s board he represents, have now responded to a discrimination complaint, that I according to Mikko Koskensyrjä, should have not have been able to make anyway, because I’m not Finnish and don’t speak Finnish.

In the response, they go to great lengths to inform the Finnish Discrimination Board that I am lying about my ability to speak, read and write Finnish. That they have witnessed this. A number of them. And that I am misrepresenting myself to the Finnish Discrimination Board.

As Mikko Koskensyrjä does not lie. I am must be clearly fluent in Finnish. Even though I am completely unaware of this and cannot count to ten or construct a sentence more complex than “sorry Finnish small”. A sentence I often mess up and instead say “sorry Finnish penis”.

That after ceasing Finnish classes due to being stabbed, and then, all study of Finnish, I somehow, just got good one day. And that, the translators, I have been forced to hire, are as Mikko Koskensyrjä and the board of owners hint, all a lie. Because, we must remember, Mikko Koskensyrjä does not lie, he is unable to.

Thank you for reading this update on to the strange and puzzling matter of Mikko Koskensyrjä.

I am sorry I cannot tell you what the status of the defamation case is, as when I pointed out that there must be some serious clerical error with Mikko Koskensyrjä’s police complaints, as he does not lie and they were clearly false police complaints and that I wished whoever had made those complaints to be punished for making three false police complaints.

As is the way for Helsinki Police, they have informed me they will not be investigating whether or not false police complaints have been made, until they have finished investigating the matter that the false police complaints are about. (please see coming article Police Mystics? for more information)

In closing, here’s another clip from that meeting. This is board member Saara Suojanen and Mikko Koskensyrjá joking and gloating about how long they are going to drag out the matter.

