Go to Mostly True Stories
Mostly True Stories
Where author Stefanie Wilder-Taylor curates her favorite stories written by friends and strangers
Note from the editor

Where author Stefanie Wilder-Taylor curates her favorite stories written by friends and strangers

Go to the profile of Stefanie Wilder-Taylor
Stefanie Wilder-Taylor
Author Sippy Cups are Not For Chardonnay. Podcast Co-host: For Crying Out Loud, Rose Pricks and Bored AF. Gluten fan.
Go to the profile of Meg Doran
Meg Doran
Human, new mom (possibly failing at it), aspiring writer (maybe).
Go to the profile of Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
Mary is a writer of memories about bad experiences in Polyamory, surviving divorce and experiments with sex and dating, over 40.
Go to the profile of Unbecoming
Stories of a former military wife, her flawed marriage and its ending. Questions? Lemme know at UnbecomingStories(at)gmail(dot)com
Go to the profile of The Michaels
The Michaels
I’ve dated 28 men. Two of them gave me an orgasm. Three of them gave me a urinary tract infection. All of them gave me a reason to write comedy.
Go to the profile of Mary-Alice McNab
Mary-Alice McNab
Affirmations, Observations & Humor. Performer, producer, pep-talker. BLM. I cuss. I want Big Talk. I record all my pieces, so listen! All social @MaryAliceMcNab
Go to the profile of Kim Evey
Kim Evey
Mom, comedian, actor, writer. Doing it all in spite of myself.
Go to the profile of Robin Reiser
Go to the profile of MaryAmusing
Totally NOT a writer but I feel like I’m living a Lifetime movie so I’m writing it out to hopefully be able to process & laugh about it as hilarity ensues.
Go to the profile of Blanche Devereaux
Go to the profile of Lena
Go to the profile of J.C. Anne Brown
J.C. Anne Brown
Wife & Mom | I write about what happened. https://medium.com/subscribe/@JCAnneBrown
Go to the profile of Victoria R. Wexler