Top Stories published by Movie Lover’s Club in October of 2021

Bernard Herrmann and ‘North by Northwest’

You know, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these blogathon thingies, so…

My Review of ‘Brighton Rock’ (1948)

This movie was adapted from a book by Graham Greene, who co-wrote the screenplay with Terence…

Chapter One of ‘The Clutching Hand’ (Part One)

Yes, folks, it’s back! Longer and shorter, but more interesting than ever. It’s…

Episode Three of ‘The Clutching Hand’

Back again, folks, with another episode of this amazing serial movie!

Chapter One of ‘The Clutching Hand’ (Part Two)

And, now, for your further bafflement or enjoyment, here’s Part Two of Chapter…

Movie Lover’s Club
This publication is a mix of real and sardonic movie reviews. I also feature public domain films with snarky captions in my awkward version of MST3K.
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