Top Stories published by Intro to Programming in March of 2018

Imogen Heap

Musical Innovator

→ Lab Assignment: Get started making music

In these lessons, you’ll learn the basics of music making. No prior experience or equipment is required; you’ll do everything right here in your browser.

Robot Challenge

→ Lab Assignment: “Watch Your Tone” on

Your new robot friend has no idea how to read the tone of a human chat/text message. As a result, it often responds in…

Check-in 3/6

#1. Complete this short survey

— Remember, it’s not graded. You either get full credit (7/7) for completing it, or no credit (0/7) if you don’t.

#2. Look on to see if you have any assignments that…

Intro to Programming
KidsTek @ Hinkley High School
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