Top Stories published by Museum Musings in 2017

Bureaucratic radicals

This is a work-out-my-thinking post, inspired by a remarkable twitter convo on radical ideas started by Abhay Adhikari earlier this week, then specifically by suse cairns ‘s reply and the many other back and forths that led me to flippantly write ‘bureacratic radicals’ Credit and thanks to

Recruiting Unicorns

I’m hiring to three vacancies at work at the moment, and I hear through my networks that some people are hesitant to apply. One reason I hear is totally bogus: ‘I might not have everything you’re looking for’. Tl;dr: no-one does. Bogus reason, never hold back because of this fear. Here’s what…

How’d i get here ? — Chapter 3

The Natural History Museum

Intro and caveats

Working at the Natural History Museum, oh boy what a privilege and a joy. I was the content/interp/curatorial lead on four temporary exhibitions then headed up…

How did I get here? My weird career path

As i write this, I have left the role of Head Exhibitions at Museums Victoria and will soon start as Director Exhibitions & Collections at ACMI, a chance to reflect. I was a shy and geeky kid who stopped studying art and history when i was fourteen, how the…

How’d i get here ? — Chapter 1

Teen and uni

Intro and caveats

OK. Imagine a small, anonymous house, in an insignificant town in the UK. A shy and awkward boy at a rough school, bullied into a quiescent angry silence, finds a form of safety hiding…

How’d i get here ? — Chapter 2

First job — the design agency

Intro and caveats

Ending study, I needed a job. My first proper trainer and mentor was Director of Museums for an international specialist exhibition design agency. She called…

How’d i get here ? — Chapter 6


Intro and caveats

In October 2013 i moved to Australia and started as Head of Exhibitions at Museums Victoria. From my current vantage point in August 2017, I can see some patterns but it is without distance…

These were the top 10 stories published by Museum Musings in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.