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Museum Musings
Museum Musings
Thoughts on museum experiences and leadership
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My way is the wrong way. Always.

Reflecting more on Jeanne Liedtka’s insights from Museum Leadership training in October. She joined two seemingly unrelated concepts, and they’re giving me a new frame for considering leadership and teamwork.

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Bureaucratic radicals

This is a work-out-my-thinking post, inspired by a remarkable twitter convo on radical ideas started by Abhay Adhikari earlier this week, then specifically by suse cairns ‘s reply and the many other back and forths that led me to flippantly write ‘bureacratic radicals’ Credit and thanks to

How’d i get here ? — Chapter 4

The National Railway Museum

Intro and caveats

The National Railway Museum in York, UK, had dramatic plans to rebuild half its site, and create about 8,000 sqm of exhibition space. I joined in 2009 to be the…