Go to Craigslist Roommate
Craigslist Roommate
a forum for transplants and tales of transitions
Note from the editor

My Craigslist Roommate is a forum for people to share the excitement, confusion, and unexpected realities which accompany many of life’s transitional phases. Contributors so far have written about what it’s like to leave organized sports behind, what it’s like to move-in with Craigslist roommates with dramatically different political views, or what it’s like to be jobless and couch hopping. The idea was originally inspired by the twists and turns of the transition I’m going through right now: student to young professional, college athlete to rec-center-try-hard, Midwest native to West Coast transplant. The experience felt noteworthy, but I was missing the reference points and vocabulary necessary to make sense of them. My Craigslist Roommate is a platform dedicated to creating a fuller representation of meaningful transitions. If you want to flesh out and share some interesting aspect of a transition you’re going through, e-mail me at myclroommate@gmail.com.

Go to the profile of Mary Zheng
Go to the profile of Lulu Tang
Lulu Tang
Head of your Arts & Crafts department. Writes about feelings and stories. Loves drawing and bad jokes. Freelance Product Designer. Formerly @fetchnotes @duosec
Go to the profile of Klar Roberts
Klar Roberts
Just loosely diving into hedonistic sensations and maybe remembering half of the journey
Go to the profile of Katherine Tucker