Klout Responds To “Klout Perks” Concern: Targeting Is The Key

Last week, I voiced my concerns about the “Klout Perks” influencer outreach program, based on an experience with my “influential” @StadiumInsider Twitter account. To sum it up, I opined that if influencers accepted too many…

Will Klout Affect The Organic Nature Of Online “Influence?”

Lately, I’ve become increasingly intrigued by Klout.com and their Twitter influencer outreach program, “Klout Perks.” Klout was on my radar for a while (I had checked my score and had been invited to a “Klout Up” in NYC once)…

Privacy Isn’t An Outdated Concept, But A New Privacy Paradigm Is Emerging

I came across a blog post by @LaurenFisher of “Simply Zesty” this morning and I felt compelled to chime in with my two cents. The crux of her piece:

The idea of privacy, I…
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