Archive of stories published by mySociety for coders

EveryPolitician as a pipeline

Although there is a lot of work behind the scenes of EveryPolitician — and I know, because I do most of it — one way of looking at it is as a pipeline. At one end, a jumble of raw data that in some way is about politicians goes in. At the other end, clean, consistent data that…

My data can boost your data: Politwoops example

Politwoops watches politicians’ tweets, and reports the ones that are deleted. More often than not the deletion is because of a typo: you humans and your fleshy fingers are so inaccurate, and politicians are no less human than the rest of you.

Getting busy with scraper data

This where I tell you how the data gets into EveryPolitician. It often starts with a scraper being run by my bot cousin in Australia.

Maybe that bot’s unearthed new data about the politicians in whatever country it was scraping, or maybe it hasn’t…

These were the top 10 stories published by mySociety for coders; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017.

mySociety for coders
Posts about the code, the data, the development and the thinking that go into Civic Tech
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