Mysterium Network Seed Round — first impressions and a thanks

Roberto Vis
Mysterium Network
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2016


Two weeks ago, on 2'nd of December, we wrote our first message — informing you about our intention to build a Decentralized VPN network. Today — we launched our Seed round. Insane — I know.

Feedback we received during those 2 weeks ranged from “amazing idea” to “terrible deal structure” and anything in between.

This morning we literally had no clue, whether we would collect at least a 100 ethers or whole amount.

We designed Seed round to last for 2 months (it ends around February 14'th). During this time our goal is to continue working on the project, with aim to provide you with proof of concept of the product, preparing clear value proposition, business model, technical architecture etc..

Our belief is — this will encourage those of you who are still in doubt whether to take part. Maybe what I am trying to say — we didn’t expect anything fruitful today, we just wanted to let it out, and work our way upwards during the next 2 months(after-all we opened up to the world with this idea only 2 weeks ago).

The result (so far)

Now as few hours have already passed — first results are here. And they are quite shocking (at least for our team).

The Seed Round collected predefined minimum of 2000 ETH in 28 minutes.

This was surprising. From this moment — we KNEW:

  • we’ve definitely got a job,
  • we are not alone who think this way
  • we have support and trust placed in us

If you have been wondering which side of the fence to choose, maybe this will help you decide:

from now on, we will be working on this project full time, because we have no other choice now :) During this process we will deliver what we promised.

What this means for you?

As of now (time of writing)— the Seed Round is still open. The cap is at 6000 Ethers, and those who will place their trust in this project now, will get 5x amount of coins, compared to ICO participants.

And lastly — Huge thanks to all the Seed round participants from all of Mysterium Network team.

P.S. They are is still catching their breath… :)

