Twin Flames, Loss, and Divine Purpose

My Twin Flame Died. Now What?

Everything happens for a reason, even when life seems so cruel.

Twin Flames
Published in
10 min readJan 24, 2022


twin flames and loss
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We are all one. Separation from the source of consciousness has gone so far that we humans have lost touch with the feeling of oneness and love, but it’s coming back. More and more people are meeting their twin flames. More and more people are awakening to the possibility of love.

I’ve written about my twin flame journey before. I had some wild times both with him in the flesh and in separation from him while healing my karmic trauma intensely. He was truly a mirror of me. Being in his presence was like nothing I’d ever known. It was the experience of sitting next to the one person who completely got me and shared my passions. Speaking with him was like speaking to myself, always hearing my own soul’s expressions from his voice. The first time we talked, it was as if we’d just been talking a little while ago and picked up the conversation again. Looking into his eyes was an exercise in looking into the universe of my own soul. He pushed me to become a better person. I felt like the universe finally made sense.

Meeting him totally changed the trajectory of my life. I always knew, from the beginning, that there was a great purpose in this event and that…



Emily Jennings
Twin Flames

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |