Mythereum + CryptoKitties Community Event

Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2019

On Katurday, April 20th, Mythereum will kick-off its live CryptoKitties debut Community Tournament Event! Breed or Buy your best kitties and head on over to the Mythereum Forge to get ready to have a royal rumble all weekend long!

In mid-2018, Mythereum and CryptoKitties decided to team up and show the world the potential of cross-nft sharing! Now, with some experienced players, and all the bugs worked out, Mythereum will be hosting the first of many events that include Mythicat battles in tournament style format for big rewards! Just a couple weeks back to celebrate this connectivity, Mythereum hosted a major event similar to this where over 1.5 ETH worth of CryptoKitties were given away! Over a Dozen rare fancies, low gen, low cooldown cats and more were given out to the community, and they will be giving away even more this weekend!

As the first of many CryptoKitties community events, Mythereum has earned the giveaway of a very special, limited edition cat: Sparkles! One grand prize winner will walk away with the beauty pictured below —

So, I bet you are wondering how you can get involved? Here are the steps:

  1. Head over to the Official Mythereum site located here
  2. Login, start up your account and don’t forget to claim your free 3 packs of starter cards! (click >>HERE<< for the Free-To-Play Guide!)
  3. Head on over to the Official CryptoKitties site located here
  4. Link up your Cryptowallet accounts to both sites (we suggest metamask), which can be found here
  5. Read this → Article ← It will teach you all you need to know in order to be ready to compete with top notch Mythicats (Forged CryptoKitties NFTs).
  6. Join both Discord servers for the games, Discord is an official Gamer mobile and browser based chat application that pretty much everyone uses nowadays. You can also download it to your desktop! Join Mythereum Discord, and CryptoKitties Discord by click on the links here & here.
  7. Once in, make sure you setup your username to match the name of your in-game warlord in Mythereum! That way they know who you are, and will easily identifiable to send rewards, giveaways and other useful jibberjabber!
  8. Head on over to the Mythereum Deck Builder after you have forged at least 5 CryptoKitties into Mythicats. (remember: guide here ←). Make a new deck and name is something katty ;)
  9. Once you have done this, head on over to the tournament page, and join this weekend’s tournament schedule by signing up. If the tournament is not posted yet, you might be able to signup to some practice tournaments and check back every few hours or the next day for the qualifying round tournaments, they will be posted shortly! Quick link to tournament page is here.
  10. Thats it! Remember, the event kicks off on April 20th, and there will be a global scale of tournaments to ensure all time zones can participate.

What can new or veteran players expect? For starters, bring your A-Game, however even the newest players should be able to do very well as they will receive special newbie boosts and everyone will walk away with prizes and gifts. Also note that Mythicat tournaments are open ended, anyone with 5 bucks or so can go grab some top line cats, forge them for free, and enter. It is highly suggested, that you play some Mythereum prior to this weekend’s events to get familiar with the user interface, how battles work, and what to expect.

You can check out the Mythereum Tutorial located here ←, as well as read up on my other starter articles. there is a wealth of information there, and for the rewards being given away, spending a couple hours getting prepped will be worth it!

About CryptoKitties

CryptoKitties are collectible and breedable digital cats. It’s the world’s first game built on the Ethereum network. When two CryptoKitties breed, their offspring’s appearance and cattributes are determined by each parent’s 256-bit genome and an element of chance, leading to 4-billion possible genetic variations.

CryptoKitties was created to explore the concept of digital scarcity, implement a non-fungible token within smart contracts ERC #721, and make blockchain technology accessible to everyday consumers.

CryptoKitties Team

The CryptoKitties team includes over a dozen startup founders, crypto-enthusiasts, and award-winning developers. While premiering the CryptoKitties alpha at ETHWaterloo, the team won the world’s largest Ethereum hackathon with their project.

CryptoKitties was created by Axiom Zen.

About Mythereum

Mythereum is a multiplayer digital trading card game. It is built on the Ethereum blockchain where players build unique decks of collectible cards and challenge others to engage in battle. It integrates an empire building aspect and is a unique combination TCG and MMORPG.

