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Nanowrimo Superheroes

Friends of National Novel Writing Month
Friends of National Novel Writing Month
The NaNoWriMo community on Medium. We share and support each other through November's madness and beyond. We welcome submissions about your experience during NaNoWriMo and how it has impacted you.
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NaNoWriMo Superhero on Medium: Josh Gauthier

Welcome to the seventh episode of NaNoWriMo Superheroes and Superheroines on Medium. This episode we meet Josh Gauthier, who works in education and has posted his live drafts on Medium during November for the past four years!

NaNoWriMo Superhero on Medium: Tim Kim, NaNoWriMo Product Director

We’re halfway through November, Wrimos! This sixth episode of NaNoWriMo Superheroes and Superheroines on Medium is with Tim Kim, the Product Director for this fantastic writing event. Tim is also writing his twelfth…

NaNoWriMo Superhero on Medium: Barrington Lloyd-Lovett, Municipal Liaison for the San Francisco Region

Welcome to the fifth episode of NaNoWriMo Superheroes and Superheroines on Medium. This episode I talk to Barrington Lloyd-Lovett, who along with Rachel…

NaNoWriMo Superheroine on Medium: Katharine Gripp, NaNoWriMo Communications Manager

Katharine is a dancer, a novelist, and by day the Communications Manager at the National Novel Writing Month nonprofit.

NaNoWriMo Superhero on Medium: Michael Coorlim

Wrapping up week one, and Michael shares his process for creating characters.

All funds from this Members-Only post go entirely to the National Novel Writing Month 510(c)(3) nonprofit based in Berkeley, California.

NaNoWriMo Superhero on Medium: Ben Werdmuller

NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow and Ben has a great tip for pantsters!

Welcome to the second episode of NaNoWriMo Superheroes and Superheroines on Medium. Throughout the month of November…

NaNoWriMo Superheroine on Medium: Carina Sitkus

It’s NaNoWriMo prep time — listen to hear how Carina prepped this year.

All funds from this Members-Only post go entirely to the National Novel Writing Month 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Berkeley, California.