Give us some words

An excellent article by Peggy Noonan: What is the president’s philosophy?

I continually wonder, and have wondered for two years, what his (the president’s) philosophy is — what drives his actions.

 Does he know? Is it a philosophy or a series of impulses held together…

Quiet summer days

Life is quiet right now. Work has slowed way down. Installing upgrades and learning to use the new programs Motion and Soundtrack Pro. Playing alot with Silvi. Took her over to the park last night until the birds we call mosquitos chased us inside. She is a happy baby, and brings so much light to…

Inspire me

I stumbled across this website recently. “A weekly dose of inspiration to be creative, try new techniques and explore new mediums. We challenge all artists to get out their art supplies, experiment and CREATE!”

Father, aspiring writer, fledgling filmmaker and occasional philosopher.
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