Khecarī as a mudrā, mantra and a Goddess

There are many practices and elements of one or another practice under the name of khecarīmudrā, for the reason that in India every spiritual path introduced something of its own. For example, in Gorakh-bānī, khecarī-mudrā is one of eight mudrās:

The “Dark Nature” of Shiva is not one of the gunas, but the original abyss

A good example of the fact that when talking about tamas and relating it to Shiva, it is meant not simply one guna of the Prakriti, but something more, we can see in the earliest sources.

Sound as light and fluids in the Rig Veda

We often find practices related to light and sound in yoga. You can see a lot of such…

Mudrās from Nātha texts and Tāntric mudrās

Such mudrās as karaṅkiṇi, krodhinī, bhairavī, lelihānā and khecarī belong to the same system. The basis of this system is khecarī-mudrā, and the other four are in fact various aspects of khecarī-mudrā. These mudrās are mentioned in 32nd āhnika (5–6) of…

Viṣa and Amṛta in Tantra

Various Sampradayas could define many images of Vedas, Puranas, Tantras, Yoga-Shastras in their own, sometimes diametrically opposing ways. They use metaphorical language which is intentionally called “sandha-bhasa” by siddha yogis. This is a language which allows you to find doors to…

Reflections about the perception of a “Guru”

I have seen some differences between the perceptions of the Guru’s concept in the West and in the East (particularly in India) during last several years. When I first came to India, I was very surprised that different Hindus sometimes used word “Guru”…

The Sampradaya of Mahayogi Gorakshanath is an ancient authentic Yogic Tradition.
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