Top Stories published by Nathan Lustig: Staying Out Of The Cubicle in 2012

Decriminalizing Drug Usage in the US

In 2001, Portugal decriminalized all forms of drugs. If you’re caught using drugs, instead of being punished and sent to jail, you’re forced to appear in front of a judge, a psychologist and doctors who create a mandatory treatment plan. Portugal uses a holistic…

Entrustet Acquired by SecureSafe

I’m excited to announce that Entrustet has been acquired by SecureSafe, the market leader in secure storage of digital information and digital inheritance. Since Jesse and I started Entrustet in a spare classroom at the University of Wisconsin, we’ve had one vision: to…

Startup Chile Application Help

The newest Start-Up Chile period opens up June 25th. Startup Chile will select 100 startups to invite to Chile as part of generation 5. If this period is similar previous rounds, about 650 teams will apply.

Startup Chile Application Help Round Six

It’s that time again. Startup Chile is opening their sixth round of applications on monday September 24th. This application period will be open until October 8th and the winners will be announced November 29th. In the last application process 1509 startups…

The Stop SOPA and PIPA Blackout

Tomorrow, many websites you depend on each day will go dark to protest the abomination that is SOPA and PIPA, two incredibly bad laws to restrict internet freedom currently proceeding through Congress. 7000 sites including Wikipedia, Wordpress, Reddit and others will go…

Why I’m Still Voting for Obama

Back in March, I decided to vote for Barack Obama for President. Today, I’m even more convinced.

I still believe Obama hasn’t done a good job as President. He’s been a weak leader. He’s outsourced many of his major policy decisions to unpopular, hard…

Capital Entrepreneurs 2011 Review

In 2011, Capital Entrepreneurs companies created 121 full time jobs, 66 part time jobs, and raised $23.7 million in funding, all in a time when Wisconsin’s economy is struggling to grow. CE now is made up of 150 entrepreneurs who now employ over 200 full time and 100…

Chile is mixing the right ingredients for an entrepreneurial explosion

Last night I attended ASECH’s Cumbre de Emprendendores (entrepreneur summit), which brought together entrepreneurs, Chile’s President and Minister of Economy to talk about the challenges and goals of economic…

Travelogue: LA and Rose Bowl 2012

I made my third trip to LA the past few days and found myself changing my opinion a little bit. The previous two times, I didn’t really like LA that much and actually disliked it for a number of reasons. I had fun both previous times, but mostly because of the people I…

I’m Joining Welcu and Moving Back to Chile

In mid January, I knew that Entrustet was going to be acquired and I started to look around for new things to do. I knew I didn’t want to rush into starting something right away: I’d been running startups non-stop since I was 19, with only a 6 week break…

2.89m Facebook Users Will Die in 2012, 580,000 in the USA

While we were running Entrustet we became famous for calculating how many Facebook users would die in a given year. Morbid, I know. Jesse and I originally calculated this stat in March 2010 on the eve of our launch at South By…

Losing our Civil Liberties

Much of the world used to look at the US as a bastion of freedom, free speech, personal expression, the famed “city upon a hill” that the first colonists dreamed to create as they escaped across the Atlantic to try to freely practice their religion. But over the past 10 years…

I Don’t Want Bipartisanship

My post a few weeks ago on Why I’ll vote for Obama in November was one of top five most popular posts I’ve ever written in terms of traffic. I got tons of feedback in the comments, on Twitter, Facebook, via email and even some phone calls. Most was positive, but some was very…

These were the top 42 stories published by Nathan Lustig: Staying Out Of The Cubicle in 2012. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2012 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Nathan Lustig: Staying Out Of The Cubicle
Managing Partner @magmapartners inChile, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, USA, China. 2x entrepreneur, sports fanatic, travel addict, writing about it at
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