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Nature Stories
This is a place to read about science and nature without the pressure of memorizing facts or taking tests.
Note from the editor

My name is Derek de Witt. I am a scientist with an academic background in ecology and environmental science currently living in Southwest Florida. This includes sea turtle field work in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Ghana. I find the natural world fascinating and enjoy sharing my experiences and knowledge of science and nature with others. I consider myself an ecological storyteller: sharing stories about nature in more informal settings and presenting them in a way that makes the information relatable to people without a science background. I have previous experience with this working as a Docent at the Conservancy of SW Florida in Naples and the Everglades Wonder Gardens in Bonita Springs.

Go to the profile of Derek de Witt
Derek de Witt
Scientist and Ecological Storyteller
Go to the profile of Derek de Witt
Derek de Witt
Scientist and Ecological Storyteller