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NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies
Understanding privacy issues with experts in the field
When machine learning leaks private information
When machine learning leaks private information
We’re obsessed with the data that goes into machine learning models, but what about the data that comes out of them?
Sep 15, 2020
When firms fall from grace, who’s to blame?
When firms fall from grace, who’s to blame?
Evidence suggests it’s middle managers, and now a new mathematical model provides further insights
Apr 12, 2020
Thinking about posting that online? ShareAware wants you to think again
Thinking about posting that online? ShareAware wants you to think again
Researchers are developing a program to help social media users better protect their privacy
Jan 29, 2020
Sharing, without oversharing, in collective machine learning
Sharing, without oversharing, in collective machine learning
Researchers find a way to harness the power of collective intelligence, while still respecting privacy and proprietary knowledge
Jan 3, 2020
Preserving Privacy in a Not-so-Private World
Preserving Privacy in a Not-so-Private World
How personal data can be leaked through the digital lives we lead, and what we can do about it
NUS Centre for Research in Privacy Technologies
Oct 24, 2019
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