ATP Smartdrop by Nebulas and Atlas Protocol is Coming Soon

Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2018

Dear Nebulas supporters:

In late March of 2018, Nebulas released the mainnet v1.0 Eagle Nebula, which has been running smoothly for half a year. Currently, there are more than 6800 DApps on the Nebulas mainnet. Nebulas team has recently released the development roadmap of Nebulas v2.0 — Nebulas Nova, which will find the values in an orderly blockchain world. In order to express our gratitude to our supporters, the Nebulas Council, together with Atlas Protocol (ATP), have decided to issue ATP to Mainnet NAS coin holders through an ATP Smartdrop.

ATP is an incubated project by Nebulabs and XGBA — a blockchain alliance of xGooglers’. Its goal is to define a new pattern of interactive advertising marketing on chain, and building a blockchain interactive advertising traffic alliance.

How to participate in ATP Smartdrop?

Nebulas Council will take a snapshot for the mainnet NAS address on 16:00, October 15 (UTC+8), 2018. Community members can participate in the Smartdrop and claim ATP only if they have Mainnet NAS coins before the snapshot.

1. Please make sure that you have full ownership of your Nebulas mainnet address (begins with n1) and more than 0 Mainnet NAS coin in your account.

2. If your Mainnet NAS coins are deposited on an exchange, please pay close attention to announcements from Nebulas and the specific exchanges that will support the Smartdrop. Currently the exchanges supporting ATP Smartdrop are: ( Airdrop ATP(Atlas Protocol) For NAS(Nebulas) Holders)

*We anticipate more exchanges will support the Smartdrop, please stay tuned.

(For the specific rules of the Smartdrop via exchanges, please refer to the announcements of the above mentioned exchanges. )

Special Attention:

Only Mainnet NAS coin holders can participate in the Smartdrop! If you have ERC20 NAS tokens (the address begins with “0x”) , please swap your NAS tokens as soon as possible! ERC20 token holders cannot join the ATP Smartdrop!

You can complete NAS token swap through NAS nano v2.2.0 (supports both iOS and Android devices) before 16:00, October 10 (UTC+8). The self-service token swap will close on October 10 (UTC+8).

For more information, please refer to:

Announcing the NAS Token Swap via NAS nano v2.2.0

If you want to learn more about the Smartdrop, please closely follow the upcoming announcements from the Nebulas Council and Atlas Protocol. Thanks again for all your support to Nebulas.

Learn more about Atlas Protocol:

ATP official website:

Nebulas Council
September 30, 2018

Learn more about Nebulas:

Official website:
Twitter: @nebulasio



Nebulasio / Nebulas is a next generation public blockchain, aiming for a continuously improving ecosystem.