
About need-response

This publication applies a deeper understanding of needs to your stubborn problems, with the new profession of ‘need-response’

Steph Turner
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2024


Steph Turner introducing anankelogy and self as its founder
Author created image using Canva

Anankelogy is the study of need as an objective phenomenon. You objectively require water to function, for example, after you subjectively experience your thirst. The less we conflate our objective needs with our subjective responses to them, the less we fall into trouble.

This publication carefully distinguishes between

…what you can do about your needs

and the fact

…you can do nothing to change a need itself, short of fully resolving it.

Once we recognize the immovable part of your situation, your inflexible needs, you can properly redirect your attention on what you can change: your flexible responses.

This publication brings you the hope of better understanding our needs.

Conduit of wisdom

I credit God, Great Spirit, Creator, Allah, Source for this inspiring wisdom about our needs. I do have multiple degrees that help me know how to shape this into a social science. I’ve earned degrees in Bible, theology, education, sociology, anthropology, public administration, and counseling.

At an early age, I recognized being gifted with a spiritual gift of wisdom. During high school while most of my peers were partying and rebelling against their parents, I read the Bible almost every day. No partying, just rebelling against my indulgent peers.

Something amazing started to occur. When someone would ask me about something I read in scripture, I could give them insightful answers I could not think up on my own. Cross-references suddenly came to mind, to form a network of meaningful passages. But I would never have recognized those patterns if others never asked me their insightful questions.

Over time, this wisdom shifted from what I could find in the Bible to what I could observe in life. As I gravitated toward my indigenous roots as an Oneida, nature herself provided a profound network of interconnected insights. And increasingly I was able to understand more and more without others asking me about it.

Majoring in sociology and anthropology gave me the framework to organize this nature-based wisdom into a social science. Ananke is the classical Greek work for need, so I christened this new social science anankelogy, the study of need. As I learned to apply this new discipline to real life problems, as an option available nowhere else, I named this new professional field “need-response”.

I remain spiritually compelled to be this conduit of wisdom, with minimal referencing to other academic sources. I’m compelled to avoid diluting this new understanding with nonindigenous academia, lest I lose perspective as I largely did while earning those degrees. Only after I took a long break from academia was I able to formulate this material into a book for the average reader.

Once in a while, I would find something that came to me was already thought up by someone else. Great! I cannot worry about allegations of plagiarism, since it’s not possible for me now to look up academic libraries. Those subscriptions cost more than I can currently afford. Besides, as an indigenous person I do not seek personal credit for any of these gifts of wisdom. I merely pass them along to you.

9 Unique benefits of anankelogy

Part 1:

1. The discipline of anankelogy democratizes science

2. The discipline of anankelogy sticks to reality

3. The discipline of anankelogy liberates you from pain

Part 2:

4. The discipline of anankelogy predicts outcomes

5. The discipline of anankelogy contextualizes your biases

6. The discipline of anankelogy sharpens your intuition

Part 3:

7. The discipline of anankelogy understands needs holistically

8. The discipline of anankelogy tests holistic correlations

9. The discipline of anankelogy unpacks our political differences



Steph Turner

Founder of anankelogy, the study of need. World’s first ‘need-responder’. Transspirit (spiritually compelled to transcend divisive categories to resolve needs)