Top Stories published by {{Nested Loops}} in 2013

Create Basic HTML Forms with JSON and PHP with Formulator

I just posted a small library of PHP code called Formulator that has helped me in prototyping websites in the past. For a few prototypes, I was just lazy about building forms and didn’t want to go so heavily back and forth between…

Build-Measure-Learn Feedback Loop Infographic

Since reading The Lean Startup by Eric Ries I had it in my mind that I could really use a nice cheat sheet or infographic of the important concepts in the book to help me keep top-of-mind and practice the lean methodology. There are a lot of…

The Dart Programming Language: First Impressions

A little over a year ago, the googleverse was buzzing about Dart. I must have had a lot going on back then, since I definitely failed to get past the landing page that day. Recently, I was able to take a deeper look at the programming language…

These were the top 10 stories published by {{Nested Loops}} in 2013. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2013 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

{{Nested Loops}}
A blog about technology, design, business and leadership
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