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net magazine
net magazine
The magazine for web designers and developers. Organiser of www.generateconf.com. Tweet to @netmag and @oliverlindberg. Also see www.creativebloq.com
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Accessibility testing with Quail

Jesse Beach introduces the new accessibility tool that helps developers test their codebases as they build

The cost of accessibility

Carlos Eriksson makes a business case for accessibility, and reveals the real cost of ignoring it

Advocating the need for accessibility to business-owners often stirs up fears of increased costs. The social responsibility — the web is for everyone after all…

Accessibility champions

Jamie Knight debunks the myth that accessibility is a dark art, and shows you how you can build it into your projects

Accessibility has a reputation for being a black art that’s best left to specialists. Large documents like the WCAG don’t tend to dispel this…

Create simple, accessible web forms

Follow Aaron Gustafson as he explores web standards solutions that will help you create forms that work perfectly for any user

Dyslexic Users

Andrew Zusman on why conventions, flexibility and tolerance are key when designing and developing for dyslexic users

Exact numbers differ, but it is safe to say about one in 10 people has some form of dyslexia. Yet despite being so prevalent, it attracts relatively little…