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net magazine
net magazine
The magazine for web designers and developers. Organiser of www.generateconf.com. Tweet to @netmag and @oliverlindberg. Also see www.creativebloq.com
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Create simple, accessible web forms

Follow Aaron Gustafson as he explores web standards solutions that will help you create forms that work perfectly for any user

Establishing Web Standards

Aaron Gustafson explains how an idea becomes a specification at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

When we’re busy building stuff for the web, we don’t get much time to ponder how the HTML tags we write and CSS properties we use come to be. I’m here to…

HTML Manifest

Bruce Lawson on the spec that brings the benefits of installation to web apps

The web has inherited many capabilities that were formerly the sole preserve of native apps — for example accelerometer capabilities, geolocation, drag and drop, and video and audio capture with…