Archive of stories published by Netifi

Spring WebFlux and rxjava2-jdbc

Spring WebFlux is a great way to create a non-blocking REST application. One issue that you run into…

Conditional Logic and RX

Often when programming RX you want to emit a stream based on some conditional logic. At first glance this isn’t straightforward. You look through the operators of RxJava or reactor-core looking for if-else style operators and don’t find anything. How do you do conditional logic with…

Scheduling with Rx and Reactor

One of the great advantages of using a Reactive Streams implementation is that it abstracts away concurrency. That doesn’t mean it divorces the user from needing to run things on different threads or having to occasionally control where they run. There are a couple of useful…

Four Myths about Microservices

Microservices have moved into the mainstream. The question isn’t if you’re going to move to microservices — it’s when.

There’s a plethora of advice out there about what you “need” to be a microservice. You need AWS and Docker and Kubernetes and use…

These were the top 10 stories published by Netifi; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.