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Structured content first: Why you should consider writing JSON, even if your prototype is…
Structured content first: Why you should consider writing JSON, even if your prototype is…
(Spoiler: over-the-top nerding pays out, big time)
Chris Atherton
Apr 4, 2018
Can these Norwegian startups fix a broken food system?
Can these Norwegian startups fix a broken food system?
We made a popup-conference for farmtech innovators, just because it felt important. The event left us excited and optimistic.
Anders Waage Nilsen
Nov 21, 2017
Cognitive biases are not the same as mental models
I’m teaching on an interaction design course, and thought it would be good to suggest some reading on the importance of mental models, and…
Chris Atherton
Nov 1, 2017
No, you do not need sketches.
You have asked for mockups of how that new thing you are building is going to look, but your project or organisation is not ready for them.
Chris Atherton
Sep 17, 2017
6 new HTML-elements (I dream of)
6 new HTML-elements (I dream of)
As a designer one of my jobs is to recognise patterns. Small design- and code-patterns that get used again and again on every project…
Marius Hauken
Sep 14, 2017
Diverse personas in design projects
Diverse personas in design projects
During a recent project, a colleague and I created a persona who was looking for car insurance. We named our persona Martin Hansen. He was…
Daniel Hasan
Jun 30, 2017
Board (but never bored) in Berlin
Board (but never bored) in Berlin
Recently, (almost) our entire company went to Berlin for a few days. Netlife goes away on ‘Mission Camp’ every year to escape the routine…
Chris Atherton
May 31, 2017
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