XMR Wallet Security Review

Xmr Wallet engaged New Alchemy to perform a security review of their XMRWallet web application shown in figure 1…

Should You Worry About Bitfinex?

(This article was originally posted to http://vessenes.com/ on April 19, 2017)

As I write this, Bitfinex has had the following items of note in the last month:

  1. Redeemed all BFX tokens

Luckchemy Smart Contract Audit

Luckchemy engaged New Alchemy to audit the smart contracts that implement their crowd sale and associated…

AUX Platform Security Audit

Auctiond, Inc (AUX) engaged New Alchemy to audit the smart contracts for their Descending Price auctions.

Right Mesh Smart Contract Audit

Right Mesh engaged New Alchemy to audit the smart contracts for their “RMESH” token. We focused on…

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